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Open Discussion on How to Get to Heaven
5/24/2007 7:58:41 AM
Hello Everyone, I thought it would be interesting to find how many different answers I would get to the following question. Question: In your personal opinion, what do you understand it takes for a person to go to heaven? Since it is your opinion, there is no wrong answers. Have a blessed day. Gerald Skype: geraldenglish
Gerald English
E. Rayne

24 Posts
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Re: Open Discussion on How to Get to Heaven
6/8/2007 7:58:18 AM

OK, Here we go with my opinion.  Scriptures listed at end of opinion.  : D

First:  In the Hebrew Scriptures, before the Christ, there is talk of resurection to earth.  These folks understood this. They also knew there was a seed that would come from the Hebrew Genealogy that would bring peace and order back to the earth.

Equal Value for perfect life lost. '2nd Adam' in other words.

Second: After Christ's appearance a whole new concept was introduced which was foreign to the folks.  HEAVENLY LIFE!  When Jesus talked to Martha about Lazarus coming back,  she understood about his coming back to her here on earth. John 11:5-44

Starting with the 12 Apostles, minus Judas, + Matthias, Jesus made it known that he was gathering persons to come rule with him in heaven as kings and priests.  Making up his Bride Class. 

After his own nation rejected Jesus...Got turned his attention to the nations to gather more for the Heavenly Kingdom. Acts 14:27; 15:14; 26:23 .... Ro. 11:13; 15:9

 So there's more of a reason for a resurection to heaven than to be a beautiful flower or sit around and prop ones feet up from all your hard work here on earth.

I was taught this as a child, untill I learned better.

So, the A to the Q for me would be that one is Chosen to be a part of this new Government or Heavenly Rulership with Christ as Head.  Which will be the new Jeruselem to rule over the inhabitants of this BEAUTIFUL EARTH, after the corrupt earthly rulers are extinguished. (Which we are ever closer to that Final War which will rid the earth of all Darkness and Evil to allow for the LONG awaited Paridise Earth where Righteousness will dwell.)

Purpose of Earth
Isaiah 2:4; compare Psalm 46:9
Isaiah 11:6; compare Isaiah 65:25
Psalm 37: 10, 11, 29; Isiah 9: 6 -
Isiah 45: 18

Purpose of Heavenly life
Rev. 5:10 ; 2 Timothy 4:8


Opinion For Starters...

Re: Open Discussion on How to Get to Heaven
6/8/2007 12:38:43 PM
Hello Monah,

Thank you for your comments.  I know you put a lot of thought in this and your study took place over a period of time.  The Scriptures are very helpful. 

I have just one question.  How do you know if you are chosen or not?

Thanks again,

Skype:  geraldenglish
Gerald English
Carl Crowley

28 Posts
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Re: Open Discussion on How to Get to Heaven
7/2/2008 7:04:04 PM

First we have to understand that God's word is true. God's word says in eph 2:8-9 for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourself it is a gift of God not of works lest any man should boast. Otherwords there is nothing you can do of yourself to get in to Heaven. Romans 3:23 says all have sinned and have come short of God's glory. Every person is a sinner because of adam's sin in the garden of eden. Romans 5:12  Since we can't get to heaven on our own, we need to trust in Jesus's death burial and ressurection. Jesus lived the perfect life and died for the sin's of all mankind. John3:16. Romans 6:23 God's gift to mankind is eternal life in heaven when we die. John 14:6 say jesus is the way(meaning the only way) the truth and life there is no other way to heaven except through Jesus. There is only 2 beliefs that people have religion and Jesus. Religion is trying to get heaven through good works. The only problem with that is in Issah 66:4 it says all of our righteousness is filth rags. That is the best we can do. When we accept Jesus in to our life based on His death burial and ressurection He come and lives within us. 2nd cor. 5:21 and 5:17 we become a new person in Christ. I was alcoholic and drug dealer commite every sin that man can do, But when I heard the Gospel (if i died in my sins I would go to hell when I died) it woked me up. I trusted Jesus as my Person Saviour. Christianity is a relationship with Jesus, we serve a living Savior that what seperates Christianity from all religions.




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