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Beef Sloan

382 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: Save Yourself And Your Businesses From Identity Theft!
11/18/2007 11:41:25 AM

Hello Everyone,

Allow me to introduce myself, I am Beef and have been marketing on the internet for sometime now.  I also love to help others be successful with their online marketing efforts.  I am part of a group of people that also love to help others become successful.  You can find us at Community Marketing University (CMU7), it is free to join and all the training is free.  You will also find some important tools you need to be Successful on the internet also free.


If I am not on your Friends list please Add Me!

Always to your Success,

Author: Life vs Death
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Tom Mangone

100 Posts
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iDefend Internet Security Conference Call Tuesday November 20th at 9PM EST
11/18/2007 12:28:41 PM

Tuesday, November 20th (9PM EST) there is a brief conference call on the new iDefend identity and credit monitoring service. This is a key element to your future, at least understanding what exactly it does, monitoring the Internet underground (chat rooms) and National databases in real time for activity on your name and social security number.

The service matches up that information in real-time and to what they have in their database of subscribed users. The service includes full recovery to pre-theft status and a comprehensive legal plan. You DO NOT have to invest in the business to utilize the service.

Call in number: 435-871-6000 pin is 2000# The call will be 95% technical in nature, the last 5% will be about the marketing and distributorship opportunity, however the company founder Jami Harrison, a top Internet Security technologist is presenting, so you will learn a lot about this ‘brand-new’ segment of communications security as it relates to Identity Theft.

I hope that you get a chance to get on the call. Please say your first name and the state you’re calling from and mention that you are a friend of Tom Mangone’s...if you like.

Tom Mangone
iDentify your iDentity with iDefend
