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Bogdan Fiedur

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The wisest mind...
5/4/2007 11:04:34 AM

"The wisest mind has something yet to learn."

-- George Santayana, Philosopher

Be a victor not a victim. Simply be responsible for what happensin your life.
Truth can only be found by those who have the humility to consider what they do not prefer.

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Re: The wisest mind...
5/4/2007 11:42:04 AM

Hello Bogdan:

As the Bible teaches, only a fool rejects knowledge. In the Bahi faith it is stated that " each one teach one ".  In the medical field it is shown that when we learn something new, a scar appears on the brain. Here at the radio station. we are  suggesting to our interns that class is always in session: we all have that time where we become teacher and student.

This weekend, accomplish something wonderful.

Joe Buccheri


Thomas Richmond

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Re: The wisest mind...
5/4/2007 11:46:20 AM

Ever think about how he (she) got to be so wise?? Thanks for the quote Bogdan. Enjoy your weekend my friend.

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Joe Downing

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Re: The wisest mind...
5/4/2007 11:56:36 AM

"The man who graduates today and stops learning
tomorrow is uneducated the day after."

~Newton D. Baker
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Jason Leverette

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Re: The wisest mind...
5/4/2007 1:15:20 PM

True, Bogdan;

"Every day is a school day and every night is night school". 

Jason Leverette,Writer

Perhaps this will call for some research...who said, "When you think you know everything you know nothing".

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