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Bogdan Fiedur

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Even if you are on the right track....
5/3/2007 9:15:55 AM

"Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there."

-- Will Rogers, Humorist

Be a victor not a victim. Simply be responsible for what happensin your life.
Truth can only be found by those who have the humility to consider what they do not prefer.

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Judy Smith

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Re: Even if you are on the right track....
5/3/2007 9:24:58 AM

Is this Will Rogers the same guy who "Never met a meal I didn't like."  Or was it a man?

Guess it really doesn't matter, this quote is totally off the track of that one.  Wil' right though, in order to move forward we only have our actions to rely on.

Thanks for another good one, Bogdan!


Ted Kusie

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Re: Even if you are on the right track....
5/3/2007 9:44:30 AM

You gotta love Will Rogers!


God Bless Your Success! Ted Kusie Your Adland Friend Winnipeg, Canada Here is Your Money!
Re: Even if you are on the right track....
5/3/2007 9:58:11 AM

HI Bogdan,

Thanks for this great quote today. I have never heard this one before, but it makes a lot of sense, doesn't it?! Even if we are going in the right direction in our life bad things can still happen if we sit idly by doing nothing. The devil is always around just waiting and watching!

Thanks for sharing! God Bless You,


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Jason Leverette

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Re: Even if you are on the right track....
5/3/2007 11:51:25 AM

Very true. The 'infidels',  if you're considered to be one by Islam and the Qu'ran will more than be run over, you will be killed if you do not become a worshiping muslim.

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