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Re: Holy Response Guys
4/23/2007 10:43:44 PM

How kewl is this!!!!

This is amazing....this Newbie is impressed...!!! I promised then...a lil about me...then please...more about all of you. I cheated and cut and copied this from my "all about me" portion of the profile's general stuff, (oh yeah) but I promise to give you all the inside scoop on, "who is the Sandy of Sandy's Beach House"! But for goes!

I wanna be a rich heiress...LOL!!! But, alas, I wasn't born to royalty and none of the current "Princes" will return my e-mails or phone calls. So, after being released by "Central Intelligence", I decided to get up, brush the dirt off my knees...and find me a good game plan.


Have you all heard of my motto...."A successful person is one who just gets up one more times than they fell down!" Well I am the Queen of "Face Meets The Puddle"! I am the "Arnoldswartzenfinanciallychallenged, (Whew) person of all time.


I mean, let me tell you briefly. In 2006, I blew a van motor on Jan. house burned down on Jan. 14th....I broke off an engagement on Jan. 18th, (ya really get to know a guy when yer living outta a motel room with your darling 8 year old, LOL LOL), my ex-husband stopped paying suppport on Feb. 23rd, I relocated (ie moved) twice in 102 degree temps, and my workplace cut everyone down to part time hours!!!!


I do have an upside....dry your eyes. In January of 2007, I found my sense of humor....I thought it was lost forever. I had looked everywhere! The lil dickens was cowering under my bed hiding in the dustbunnies....who knew!


In Feb. I found my was in the filing cabinet under, "lost causes". I resurrected it to the praying and hopeful file.


In March I retrieved my was being held hostage by "Central Intelligence"....they were quite polite about returning it...what do they mean by, "We'll Be Back!"


Now it's April! I've had a few lil successes. #1...waving goodbye to my ex, raising just my middle three fingers in the air....he doesn't know it means, "read between the lines...LOL" ! Awww...let me have some fun!


Soooo....about me. Well, I try and assure people I am ordinary and average...I hear a lot of cyber giggles out there...but really I am. That's why I invite anyone who's interested to visit my forum called "Sandy's Beach House"...! There you will find an updated site of my life's saga...but also of my life's kids. I'm still a newie to this whole Adlanders thing, but I use my calendar religiously and remind myself to update...upgrade...or just get up....LOL!


Anyway...anyone who ever just wants to chat or share or, please tell me your miseries....mine loves company....fell free to also email me at Whew....this was great therapy....join me at Sandy's Beach House anytime.


Hugs and smiles to all, Sandy Green  


Sandy Green
Neil Sperling

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Re: Holy Response Guys
7/2/2007 5:46:07 PM

Hey- where ya been - hope all is well with you girl!



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