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Kathy Hamilton

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Re: I made a resolve then that I was going to amount to something..
4/20/2007 2:39:47 PM
Hello Bogdan,
Great Quote!!!!
Thank you, have an amazing weekend.
Kathy Hamilton/
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Nick Sym

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Re: I made a resolve then that I was going to amount to something..
4/20/2007 10:33:18 PM


Hello Bogdan!


Harland Sanders Flag of United States
Born September 9, 1890
Henryville, Indiana, USA Flag of Indiana
Died December 16, 1980
Louisville, Kentucky, USA Flag of Kentucky
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Deborah Skovron

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Re: I made a resolve then that I was going to amount to something..
4/20/2007 11:18:38 PM

Hi Bogdan,

   Wonderful quote.

Thank you.

Your Good Friend


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Re: I made a resolve then that I was going to amount to something..
4/20/2007 11:46:39 PM

It all started with a simple idea: a secret recipe, Colonel Sanders had strongly believe in, made definite plans and persistently work on it in mind, spirit and actions. History and millions were made.

It's still "Finger lickin' good":

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Neil Sperling

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Re: I made a resolve then that I was going to amount to something..
4/21/2007 10:31:19 PM

The Most Interesting thing about Col. Harland Sanders is that he had sold his restaurant and retired - then after recieving his old age pension cheque THAT is when he made that quote - he said "I am not living on this tiny pension"

He asked himself what did he have to offer - his answer to himself was his recipie for chicken - 11 different herbs and spices - he got into his car and knocked on restaurant doors in hopes to "sell" his recipie for a royalty - he slept in his car and knocked on over 1000 doors before he got his first YES.....

The rest is now history!

"Excelence happens when you try each day to both do and be, a llittle better than you were yesterday! ..... Pat Riley


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