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Back To Basics. Internet Marketing.
4/19/2007 1:33:55 AM

When starting a business most owners have a plan.

This includes cost estimates vs profit potential. In coventional businesses

it is called overhead vs profit. On the internet the overhead is different and in most cases substantially less. This is why it is such a great place to have a business.

Here is the catch though. The ease of beginning an online business also makes it easy to overlook the most important considerations in running one.

It may be obvious to some but I have found in most cases, even brick and mortar owners are included in this one, they forget the most important component of business,  Advertising!

Advertising you say. Duh! Yes I could be telling something you already know,

or maybe you don't.  In a conventional business a start up cost for advertising should be 2/3 of the total expense budget. The thinking here is if no one knows you are in business you won't have a business. But what happens in the transition from conventional to online. The mind set is that advertising is the only expense that most businesses have. Here is the rub. There are not many accurate reporting systems available to gage what type of respone rate a campaign online is really generating until after the money is spent.

In convential businesses the customer sees the ad and comes in or not. Simple.

On the internet the customer is represented by numbers of clicks, click throughs, and cost per clicks. Well what does that really tell you. Not much, because just because they click through it doesn't mean they are buying customer or a customer at all. There is no influencing or inducing a client that sees your ad, other than the three line text you are allowed to write.

Well according to most, it is ratio of sales to click that matters. Well that is just leaving to much to chance. A marketing seminar is what is needed to compensate for the lack of control in the point of sale. Diversity of strategies, tools and venues are needed. Automation is a method by which most online businesses opportunities stress the value of their product. While easy to process the product and service of the company, it really cheats the independent business owner of learning the most important aspects of their business. Communitcating to and identifying their market.

It time to get back to basics and learn how, as a business owner.


I generate immediate cash daily and I continue to do it like clock work....