
Re: When one door closes, another door opens..
4/16/2007 4:37:06 AM
It is true, we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the ones which open for us.
All is in the kind of door. 
Very inportant is what door closes for us.
The door of  faith , the door of hope, the door of  love, the door of  success or  the door of  health.


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Re: When one door closes, another door opens..
4/16/2007 5:50:12 AM


This is very true and many times people refuse to let go of the present opportunity, and seek new ones.

Over the years I have noticed that there is a season for all things (Solomon said this best) and we should learn to reconize the ending of one season and accept the dawning of the new one.

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Re: When one door closes, another door opens..
4/18/2007 10:28:17 AM

Another saying goes, "Nature abhors a vacuum and always seeks to fill it."

It is a good thing to reframe our views when they are negative.

I frequently recommend this book: The Power of the Subconscious Mind, by Dr Joseph Murphy.


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Geketa Holman

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Re: When one door closes, another door opens..
4/18/2007 1:05:06 PM

Hi Bogdan,

Thanks for inviting me to your forum. I like that quote . I have had many closed doors in life and missed some great oppurtunities wondering why the door  was closed and every time when I look back the closed door always turned out to be a good thing for me ..!



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Amy Thompson

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Re: When one door closes, another door opens..
4/25/2007 12:31:43 AM
In my case when one door closes, a bulldoser rips the wall off and I step through. . . .
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