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Weekly Angel Card Reading For the Week of March12th-19th
3/15/2007 1:09:13 AM

The Power of Manifestation!

What do you desire? Visualize it and it will be yours.
Negativity will block this process. This week write down what it is that you desire. Begin to see yourself with this. Do not worry about the details on how this will manifest just know that it will.

You are more powerful than you realize. It's safe for you to be powerful. The power to change our lives comes from within. To obtain the abundance in our life that we seek we must begin to use the power within to do and live the way our heart seeks.

Mother Healing!

As your feelings toward your mother heal, your desires manifest more rapidly and accurately! When we begin to understand that we have all pick the path that we are on. We pick our mother and father before birth knowing what we would experience. What ever your experience has a child was ,it was the one that you needed. Your mother and father are as human as yourself. We must not harbor old pains in the heart. When you truly let go, you are allowing God to take control of your life allowing true happiness and abundance

Namaste Rev.Jennifer marie

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