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An Italian grandmother giving directions
2/27/2007 2:30:07 PM
    I received this from a good friend of mine and I think he knows one of my relatives.

Subject: An Italian grandmother giving directions
Importance: High

(to all the TRUE is this!?! haha!)  ONLY KIDDING IT"S A FUNNY


An Italian grandmother is giving directions to her
grown grandson Anthony who is coming to visit with his wife Maria.

You comma to de front door of the apartmenta.
I am inna apartmenta 301 .
There issa bigga panel at the front door.
With you elbow pusha button 301.
I will buzza you in.
Coma inside, the elevator is on the right.
Get in, and with you elbow pusha 3.
When you get out, I'mma on the left.
With you elbow, hit my doorbell.

Grandma, that sounds easy but... why am I hitting all these buttons with my

    What . . . . . . . .. You coma empty handed?

Thomas Richmond

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Re: An Italian grandmother giving directions
2/27/2007 5:36:40 PM

Oh so True there Pizon , sounds like a my grandma Josephena'. She'd say Wha' no Vino and da bread Tommy wheres da bread? How ya spose to have spegett on sunday and no bread huh'? Everybody bring like a surprise, like a pot luck, then she would say... eh' just like your father... Lol. Thanks for the funny Vincent.

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Donald Rich

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Re: An Italian grandmother giving directions
2/27/2007 8:40:17 PM

Two very funny jokes today

Michael Caron

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Re: An Italian grandmother giving directions
2/27/2007 11:37:05 PM

 Walking Garbage CanHi Vinnie

 Hey, Pizonna,


Luigi left Italy to visit his cousin Vinnie in Up-state New York.  For the first two or three days Vinni took him around sight-seeing to different places of interest.  On the fourth day, as Vinnie  was pulling the car around Luigi said,  "Hey, Pizonna.  I'ma gotta the idea.  You stay home and I'ma going to driva de car myselfa.  I'ma no gotta the broken armsa you know."  Vinnie was a little concerned and said, "well, you new here.  Whatta ifa you get lost?"  "I'ma no getta losta.  I see the way you go.  I'm go myselfa." Luigi was a big man and Vinnie did not like to see him mad.  Reluctantly he gave him the keys, plus hiss cell phone.  He told him if he needed any help, to call.  Luigi drove out of the drivway, about eighty miles an hour.  Vinnie closed his eyes and silently said goodbye to his beautiful Corvette.  Luigi was having the time of his life, radio blasting, beeping and waving at all the pretty girls, lost in thought, he missed a turn that he had seen a few times before, but saw another turn-off and took that instead.  about three miles down this lonely, desolate road, he came upon a sign up ahead that read Detour.  He pulled off the road by the sign, turned the ignition off and waited.  A little while went by and he got out and paced back and forth.  A police officer, noticing the car, pulled up.  Approaching Luigi he asked, "Is Everything all right."  Cheerfully, but a little uneasy because for some reason Luigi did not feel comfortable around police, he responded.  "I'ma fine.  How abouta you?"  The police-officer scratched his head and asked, "Are you lost by any chance?"  Luigi said, "I'ma no losta.  I'ma righta here."  Getting suspicious, the police officer looked around the area, then asked,  "Are you meeting someone here?"  Luigi brightened up, shook his head up and down, pointed to the sign and said, "I'ma waita for De Tour.  What timea shesa comea by?"


I miss Linguicia.  I can't find it in Indianapolis.

Thank You



Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
Re: An Italian grandmother giving directions
2/28/2007 3:11:12 PM
    Thanks Tom and Don.
Great story Mike. Loved it and I am going to pass it on.