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Re: New job!
2/17/2007 7:41:09 PM
Gani, thank you for your post.  It is always good to hear from you!  I would of course like to hear about life in your country.  Since I have started all this talk about a new job, tell me:  what is your advice to me about learning something new?  I definitely want to progress and would welcome your thoughts as to what will lead to being successful, in job training and in life.
Re: New job!
2/18/2007 7:46:01 PM

My Beloved and Respected Friend Glendie....!

Thank you for your immediate response.

As I said.......(in short) "I will be your Official Residential Representative" over here in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.....(in other words)....."I will be your Press Reporter" over here in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. 

You already know that I am already in "Advertising & Marketing" Field in Dubai, U.A.E., I hope that I can be of atleast some use & help to you, to receive messages, latest news (in the form of News Flash) from Dubai, *(UAE), all the 7 Emirates of United Arab Emirates, including neighbouring countries like Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Muscat, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, etc. (including India and Pakistan). 

The most important thing our Beloved and Respected Friend Kathy mentioned......You have to build up "YOUR OWN IMAGE"  in your field of interest/Profession and I honestly and sincerely would like to suggest you to take all the advises and guide-lines from our Beloved and Respected Friend Kathy.  SHE IS THE RIGHT PERSON TO GUIDE YOU.  I am more confident about this and if you follow her instructions, YOU WILL SKID IN THE RIGHT TRACK...............(LOL).

Again......if I am of any use to you, please feel free to contact me without any hesitation and I shall be much pleased to co-operate with you in every means. 

Again....with the assurance of my best of services and co-operation at all the times, I remain,

Friendly Yours,

Mohamed Gani.



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