
Barb Doyle

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Re: One comes to believe whatever one repeats to oneself...
1/30/2007 2:43:58 PM

Hi Bogdan,

I want to thank you again for the prize. I just downloaded it and will take the time to go through it later. Thank you so much! Also thank you for this awesome quote. Our subconcious mind does not know the difference between what is true and what isn't. One of your most prized possessions is your brain so make sure that you are not dumping trash in it. You would not allow someone to dump trash on your living room floor and your brain is so much more valuable. Garbage in, garbage out.

Peace, Health and Prosperity,
Barb Doyle, Sc

The truth will set you free!


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Neil Reinhardt

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Re: One comes to believe whatever one repeats to oneself...
1/30/2007 4:14:48 PM
Hi Bogdan, Yes another great and accurate quote. Now Bogdan, time to get mad at me as I will again point out the following TRUTH! Judy, It is all of that repetition, repetition & repetition which is the MAIN reason MOST people are religious and why they believe in one, or more, gods. And like it or not, believe it or not, accept it or not, anyone who believes in one, of more gods, IS RELIGIOUS! The Catholic Church says: "Give me a child until the age of six and they are mine forever." And all religions follow the same programming of their children. Sadly, most people do NOT even know they are programmed in the first place much less get around to even consider De-programming themselves. Some of us do realize it and are able to deprogram ourselves. This is one reason millions of American's are now Atheists. We have Been There, Done That and found it lacking. Please, Take Care! Neil
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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: One comes to believe whatever one repeats to oneself...
1/30/2007 4:31:35 PM

For the first few years of our marriage, I thought I was a bad cook.  My husband worked in the evenings and I was home with his 2 little boys who refused to eat anything that was good for them.  So I thought my cooking wasn't good.  I realized later that my cooking is very good, I just needed a better audience for my food than picky little children.  I was young and I thought anyone's opinion was a valid opinion. 

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Re: One comes to believe whatever one repeats to oneself...
1/30/2007 5:26:10 PM


How true, if one keeps repeating "I Can't do that", they are right!

When was the last time any of the members had a teacher tell them to get a good ecucation, so they could some day go into business for themself?

The fact is for 12 + years they are taught to get a good education so they can one day get a good job.

Another fact is there are more independent business people than large corporations.

The reason is they had a desire and said "I can do it"!

As a man (person)thinketh in his heart (mind) so is he! (or she).


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Pauline Raina

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Re: One comes to believe whatever one repeats to oneself...
1/30/2007 8:46:07 PM
Hi Bogdan, These words of wisdom if used in a positive way benefits the person and all around, BUT if used in the negetive scary is that ?? Blessings Pauline R
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