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Geketa Holman

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Re: URGENT Request For Prayers Please (12/27/2006)
1/10/2007 10:00:03 PM

Dear Heavenly Father G-d of the living holy and blessed is your name. I come to you now on behalf of James our brother I ask that you heal his body and comfort him of his pain.. I ask that you give his family strength and comfort in this time of need. Father your word not mine says if two or more agree as touching Anything here on earth and ask in the name of your son Jesus that you will grant us our request .. in this forum right now there are many more than two standing in agreement asking for this mans life to be spared, show him your grace , your mercy and you loving kindness and make him whole , from his head to toe .. we command all sickness and disease to leave this man's body in the name of Jesus the Christ amen ..


Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one

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