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12/9/2006 5:13:38 PM
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Our forum features a member of the AdlandPro community each week who is truly a bright and *SHINING STAR*. It is a person that may not necessarily be a "high-profile" person per say, but rather someone that is not only a great friend to many, but also has a good heart and truly cares about others.


Let me introduce the most awesome group of team mates anyone could ever have! Not only are they my very good friends, but I also have the pleasure of working with them to bring this forum to all of you, each and every week;








KENNETH SWORD - Honorary Member        

and myself;



Here are the qualifications that will be used in the selection of each honoree. People that are selected will be recognized based on:

1. Acts of kindness that they show to their fellow man.

2. Must be willing to help others, and treat people in a kindly manner.

3. Have a good-hearted nature, and shows it through all that they do.

4. Must be a positive role model, and set a good example

5. Must be professional, avoids negativity, and promotes success through faith and hard work

So, if you know of anyone here at AdlandPro that are not necessarily "high profile" people per say, and that don't get the recognition that they deserve, let us know. We will be helping to get people recognized that should be *A SHINING STAR*. All nominations must be in by Saturday and please tell us why you believe the person deserves to be recognized.

Please send NOMINATIONS to one the following links;



When you get to one of our profiles, click on "Send Me A Message" and then send us the name of the person you want to nominate!



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BELKACEM is a caring and supportive gentleman of this Community, he has 198 friends and 1 great forum. Some of his interests are PromotionOnline, CopyWriting, Marketing, Yacademy and he is busy with WOSAT and Dipetane which can be viewed on his web site 'Numid'. Come and Congratulate Belkacem :)

Here is what some of BELKACEM'S friends are saying about him;
"I really like Belkacem's site! Belkacem is a very smart man and a good friend."
"Belkacem is a very intelligent, philosophical kind of guy! He  has insight in world politics and economic matters derived from a different social and economic viewpoint that enhances our abilities to form a more rounded viewpoint. He is a valuable member of the WOSAT Team!"
"Belkacem is a very friendly, kind, and intelligent gentleman. He is very knowledgable in his field of economics, as well as world affairs. He is a very gifted and talented writer, and he has such an eloquent way of writing that it just makes you want to read more and more of his work! He is a good friend and all around good person...I am proud to be his friend!"

Here is BELKACEM'S bio;

Aslama Adland !

Mais j’ai été agréablement surpris lorsque Marilyne m’a annoncé que j’ai été sélectionné pour la parade des stars.

Moi une star ?Cela ne se passe que dans le monde du réseau des réseaux : L’internet  

Alors voilà, j’ai imaginé ma petite histoire et je me suis dis que pour mieux revenir DEMAIN, mieux vaut  Sauter ! Dés aujourd'hui >

Autrement dit, n’est-il pas aussi aberrant que frustrant de vous apercevoir un soir, que vous avez raté votre vocation et que vous risqueriez de reproduire les même erreurs avec vos enfants ?

Et, avez-vous réfléchi sur ce que vous pouvez gagner en prenant connaissance d'un peu plus de ce qui sommeille en vous ? Mais qui voudrait avoir les pieds et points liés dans cet air prometteur et agressant de mondialisation ? Il n'y a qu’à voir l'engouement massif, sur la seule téléphonie mobile pour s'en adapter, résigné, face à la découverte la plus extraordinaire du siècle :

la communication de masse.

Et dans ce monde, propulsé constamment par ce dynamique Internet, y a t'il encore de la place à l'attentisme ravageur. Ailleurs, certains ne pensent déjà qu'aux nouvelles méthodes de travail, qu'aux nouvelles méthodes d'enseignement et de marketing , alors que d'autres ne sont à l'affût que de nouvelles idées, encouragés et encadrés, dans leurs quêtes par leur concept propre de la propriété intellectuelle et de la mondialisation à outrance ...

Le monde a changé et toute l'économie mondiale est bouleversée. Alors si aujourd'hui, certaines entreprises modifient leurs approches, leurs méthodes de gestion et leurs façons de faire du business,  C'est qu'elles savent pertinemment qu'elles ne résisteront pas aux exigences du marché mondial.

Des alliances stratégiques, les réseaux constituent pour elles l'alternative et le puissant levier pour assurer vitalement leur compétitivité ...

Leur survie !

En vrac, voici ce qui me passe à l'esprit, et ce ne sont que des citations de personnages connus que je voudrai partager :

 Picasso écrivit : " Tous les documents picturaux de toutes les périodes sont faux. Toutes les images que nous avons de la vie et de la nature, c'est aux peintures que nous les devons. Rien que cela devrait les rendre suspects.

 " Frédérico Mayor , ancien directeur général de l'UNESCO disait : " C'est l'être humain qui doit être au centre de tout, car il est capable de créer et d'inventer " et d'ajouter que le citoyen "doit compter et ne pas être compter  


Robert Mendel ; Prix Nobel d'économie définit la mondialisation comme étant la résultante des échanges commerciaux libres et illimités et l'un des " avantages de la mondialisation " dit-il c'est l'accroissement des bénéfices. " Elle crée des gagnants et des perdants , mais les gagnants gagnent plus que les perdants en perdent."


Mais la plus assommante des déclarations c'est celle du directeur de TF1 :


" Pour qu'un message publicitaire soit perçu, il faut que le cerveau du téléspectateur soit disponible. Nos émissions ont pour vocation de le rendre disponible: c'est à dire de le divertir, de le détendre pour le préparer entre deux messages. Ce que nous vendons à Coca Cola, c'est de temps de cerveau humain disponible."


Enseignant de français de mon état à Nédroma- Algérie-, confiné comme je suis, je sais que je ne suis plus rentable dans le métier que j'exerce depuis près de trente ans. Il y a longtemps que je vagabonde dans le net, explorant, recherchant, la moindre nouveauté ou opportunité me permettant de m’en sortir de la précarité handicapante dans laquelle je me suis fourré : Toléré pour ne pars dire confirmé dans mon métier, je me rends compte à mes dépends que je n’utilise qu’un pourcentage rudimentaire de mes capacités et compétences ne serait –ce que du point de vue du lourd héritage pratique pour ne pas dire expérimental…

Ce nivellement réglementaire, ce clonage si j’ose dire où tout le monde doit faire la même chose à la même heure semble être parmi les causes qui limitent et éradiquent une pédagogie pratique personnalisée, fraîche et pleine d'ardeur. Cela réduit l'enseignant à un vulgaire répétiteur automate et relègue au calendres grecs les valeureuses ressources humaines, valeurs nécessairement incontournables dans cette mondialisation ambiante.

En effet, de nouvelles universités aux fonctions innovantes voient le jour et permettent aux sociétés modernes de se ressourcer et d'assurer ce pont vital entre les générations d'une part et entre la rationalité académique et les proportions pratiques voire autodidaxiques. Ces nouveaux lieux du savoir, appelé universités de synthèse ne font qu'officialiser des savoir-faire personnels, et parfois de simples parcours pratiques  : On valide les acquis personnels prouvés de simples bacheliers. C'est aussi évident que capital pour l'avenir et la survie car l'homme est la seule entité productrice d'idées d'où les âpres discussions et négociations sur les services et la propriété intellectuelle au sein de l'OMC.

Si le Français demeure encore, pour nous, ce butin de guerre incontournable pour notre développement, la traduction devient la seule langue de l'Europe unifiée. Mais à quoi sert un butin qui perd de plus en plus de sa valeur? N’est-il pas vital et urgent de le prospecter afin de lui coller d'autres missions de survie, lorsque l'on sait que plus de 80% des échanges mondiaux de tout genre se font dans la langue de Shakespeare.

Si dans d'autres cieux, les théorèmes de Pythagore et consorts n'ont plus droit de citer dans les classes scolaires ; ils sont impeccablement et avantageusement démontrés dans des milliers de sites Internet; les matières de l'économie et du management gagnent leurs entrées évidentes dans les écoles primaires.

Enfin, lorsque nous opérons dans une situation en changement rapide et constant, il est vital d'anticiper, sinon rester en arrière c'est crever!!!

Me former pour entreprendre et gagner autrement ma vie est mon objectif actuel.

Je ne veux pas être Robinson Crusoé, ce naufragé, qui a été obligé d'inventer ses outils pour survivre. La roue ne s'invente pas. Il suffit simplement de l'adapter à ses besoins.


Alors, je ne peux que me réjouir d'avoir déniché ma « niche»: Je ne citerai que   Ycademy et Wossat  . Je suis très content de faire partie de ces merveilleuses et fabuleuses équipes aux objectifs bien définis. Je suis entrain de focaliser...


Pour leur part, ma femme et mes trois enfants : Sid'Ahmed, Abdelfettah et Rahmouna attendent beaucoup de mon engagement avec Wossat , cette entreprise que j'assimile vraiment à un réseau social ambitieux .


  C'est ce qui me manquait dans mon aventure on line.


Aslamaaaa !




Ps: BigDady est un nouveau moteur de recherche qui  colle aux trousses de bcp d'autres : ne le manquez pas....




Belkacem's Bio Translated From French;


But I was agreeably surprised when Marilyne announced to me that I was selected for the parade of the stars. Me a star? That occurs only in the world from the mother of all networks: The Internet Then here, I imagined my small history and I am say that for better returning TOMORROW, better Sauter is worth! Dice today.

In other words, isn't it as aberrant as frustrating to see you one evening, than you missed your vocation and than you would be likely to reproduce same the errors with your children?

And, did you reflect on what you can gain by taking note of a little more what sommeille in you? But which would like to have the feet and points dependent in this promising air and attacking universalization? There is only to see the massive passion, on only mobile telephony to adapt some, resigned, vis-a-vis discovered most extraordinary of the century: the communication of mass.

And in this world, propelled constantly by this dynamics Internet, to you it there still place with the devastating wait-and-see policy has. Elsewhere, some think already only of the new working methods, that with the new methods of teaching and marketing, whereas others are with the mounting only of new ideas, encouraged and framed, in their searches by their own concept of the intellectual property and universalization with excess…

The world changed and all the world economy is upset. Then so today, certain companies modify their approaches, their methods of management and their ways of making business, It is that they know pertinently that they will not resist the requirements of the world market.

Strategic alliances, the networks constitute for them the alternative and the powerful lever to ensure their competitiveness vitally…

Their survival!

In bulk, here what passes to me to the spirit, and they are only quotations of known characters whom I will want to divide:

Picasso wrote: "All the pictorial documents of all the periods are false. All the images which we have of the life and nature, it is with paintings that we owe them. Only that should make them suspect.

"Frédérico Mayor, old directing general of UNESCO said: " It is the human being which must be in the center of all, because it is able to create and invent "and to add that the citizen "must count and not to be to count.

Robert Mendel; Nobel Prize of economy defines universalization as being the resultant of trade free and unlimited and one of the "advantages of universalization" says it it is the increase in benefit. "It creates gaining and of the losers, but gaining them gain more than the losers lose some."

But most overwhelming of the declarations it is that of the director of TF1: "So that an advertisement is perceived, it is necessary that the brain of the televiewer is available. Our emissions have the role to make it available: i.e. to divert it, to slacken it to prepare it between two messages. What we sell in Coca Cola, it is time of human brain available."

French teacher of my state with Nédroma- Algeria, confined as I am, I know that I am more profitable in the trade only I exert since nearly thirty years. A long time ago that I rove in the Net, exploring, seeking, the least innovation or opportunity allowing me of leaving itself there the handicapping precariousness in which I lined myself: Tolerated do not leave statement confirmed in my trade, I realize to my depend that I use only one rudimentary percentage of my capacities and competences would be this only from the point of view of the heavy practical heritage not to say experimental…

This lawful levelling, this cloning if I dare statement where everyone must make the same thing per same hour seems to be among the causes which limit and éradiquent a personalized practical pedagogy, fresh and full with heat. That reduces the teacher to a vulgar repeater automat and relegates to the calendres Greek valorous human resources, values necessarily impossible to circumvent in this ambient universalization.

Indeed, of new universities to the innovating functions are born and allow the modern societies ressourcer and to ensure this vital bridge between the generations on the one hand and between academic rationality and the proportions practise even autodidaxic. These new places of the knowledge, called universities of synthesis do nothing but officialize personal know-how, and sometimes of simple practical courses: One validates the proven personal assets of simple graduates. It is as obvious as capital for the future and survival because the man is the only producing entity of ideas from where rough discussions and negotiations on the services and the intellectual property within OMC.

If the French still remains, for us, these spoils of war impossible to circumvent for our development, the translation become the only language of unified Europe. But for what are spoils used which lose its value more and more? Is not it vital and urgent to prospect it in order to stick other missions of survival to him, when it is known that more than 80% of the world trade of any kind are done in the language of Shakespeare.

If in other skies, the theorems of Pythagore and consorts do not have any more right to quote in the school classes; they are impeccably and advantageously shown in thousands of Internet sites; the matters of the economy and management gain their obvious entries in the primary schools.

Lastly, when we operate in a situation in fast and constant change, it is vital to anticipate, if not to remain behind is to burst!!!

To form me to undertake and earn my living differently is my current objective. I do not want to be Robinson Crusoé, this shipwrecked man, who was obliged to invent his tools to survive. The wheel is not invented. It is simply enough to adapt it to its needs.

Then, I can only be delighted to have unearthed my "niche": I will quote only Ycademy and WOSAT. I am very glad to belong to these marvellous and fabulous teams with the well defined objectives. I am spirit to focus…

For their part, my wife and my three children: Sid' Ahmed, Abdelfettah and Rahmouna await much of my engagement with Wossat, this company which I really compare to an ambitious social network. …

It is what I missed in my adventure one line.

Aslamaaaa! Mr.B.Midoun


Let's all Congratulate BELKACEM on being named one of this week's *SHINING STARS* If you are not a friend of BELKACEM'S please send him an invitation to become your friend today! Here is BELKACEM'S link;

We pray that everyone will continue to support and enjoy our forum! Please take the time to NOMINATE someone to become one of our *SHINING STARS*

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God Bless Everyone,


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Marilyn L Martin
"The ALP & TGAMM Couple"
"Rick & Marilyn Martin...Married 11/17/06"
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John Partington

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Person Of The Week
12/9/2006 5:26:53 PM

Hi Marilyn & Team Members,

Congratulations to Belkacem for being a star member.

Best Wishes


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12/9/2006 5:27:35 PM

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Belkacem, you are definitely very deserving of this award with all that you do to help people! You are a positive role model, a very intelligent man, and a good friend to many! I think you are a very gifted person with the way that you write very eloquently!

I wish you alot of success with all of your endeavors. Good luck to you always with all that you do! May Allah bless you with all of his riches and blessings always! I am proud to be your friend!

"As-salaam Al-leekum"


Marilyn L Martin
"The ALP & TGAMM Couple"
"Rick & Marilyn Martin...Married 11/17/06"
Spiderweb Marketing

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Jill Bachman

8860 Posts
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Person Of The Week
12/9/2006 5:33:25 PM
Thank you Marilyn for a great forum.

Belkacem, it is so good to get to know you and CONGRATULATIONS for being Adlands shining star.

I love your story and have a wonderful and enjoyable week.  :-)

Bless you,  Jill

Nick Sym

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12/9/2006 5:39:50 PM



You are the 


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