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Luella May

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"Tis The Season To Be Jolly"
12/1/2006 3:28:32 PM
"Tis The Season To Be Jolly"
Fa-La-La La-La-La-La
  Probably the best ezine on the internet
"Build It And They Will Come"
"TheCorner 4 women"
"an ezine 4 woman, empowering women of the world."

Hi Everyone,
Yes this really is the season to be jolly, well it's now December and it means its gift giving season, Santa has come to TC4Women early this year and left some wonderful gifts for you under our tree, just waiting for you to join our party and collect them, so come along everyone and go and gather your gifts. We have 13 video tutorials alone, ebooks and applications just 4 U
Our gift page will remain perminantly active indefinitely
Our first Giveaway is also still active in case you missed it on my last mailing
Just came to my inbox and I thought you might like this, it came to me from our own Kathleen Gage, and you know if it comes from her then its going to be more than great, so don't miss out as seats again are limited here goes...
December 5, 2006
9 – 10 p.m. Eastern

FREE Teleconference
How to Double Your Sales in the next 12 Months! Featuring Joe
Nunziata, author of Spiritual Selling
I am very excited to announce that Joe Nunziata, author of
Spiritual Selling, will be my special guest for a very unique
teleconference filled with incredible information on how to
increase your sales in the coming year. Joe's information is
based on spiritual processes and information.

This call is being offered as a special thanks to all my
readers. Seating is very limited so I encourage you to register
There is no charge for this call.
OOps Don't Forget...
Mark Hendricks "The 12 Days of Christmas" giveaway has just launched today, now I say get along there and get in quickly last year over 17,000 dolars worth of giveaways, this year who knows? could this be broken
Happy Holiday giveaway season, we have so much more to come yet!
John Elliott aka Oaky Wood & Luella May
co-founders of The Corner 4 Women
P.S. Remember TC4Women will be having 3 giveaways of our own hopefuly on 1st, 15th and 24th of December so do look out for our announcements won't you
Do feel free to post this information on your website, blog or newsletter.
Don't forget to check out Luella's own ebook "The 8 Invisible Stains of Our Souls" view it here:

'The Corner 4 women' Website
"an ezine 4 woman, empowering women of the world."
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Myrna's Parlor (Inspirations from Myrna's Storybook Collection)
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Also visit my other site Luella's Corner for my personal articles

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