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Nick Sym

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Re: Our Insane World!
11/28/2006 2:20:29 PM

TIM, there is only one way to deal with this!

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Tim Southernwood

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Re: Our Insane World!
11/28/2006 3:32:08 PM

Yer killin me Nick!

Actually I go home every night I give a prayer of gratitude for my little ones, their health, and all the things we enjoy. Their smiles and screams of joy that "Daddy's home" heal me from the grief I feel over the crap this world throws at me everyday.
I want to do more for those helpless children of the world, but goodness! Do I have to give up more? Aren't the taxes I pay enough? Can I let one payment slide to help others survive one more day?
Is it MY RESPONSIBILITY that there's such suffering in the world?
Is my responsibility greater if I don't press my governments to do more to help people around the world? (or even in my own city)
What's going on that I feel so uncomfortable watching those "Save the Children" promotions that I have to click away?
Tough questions to answer.
I do know one thing. I think of those poor kids and I hug mine just a little tighter.
I sit here and worry about how I'm going to manage our planned travel to see my ailing Dad for Christmas and how that expense adds to the weight of buying gifts now for all the dozen or so family members and my four kids.
How trivial those concerns are when I realize another Dad far away in another place is worrying simply how he's going to feed his family!

You know instead of buying gifts for everyone..perhaps I'll give that money to feed a few families, and give a certificate to my family members saying that a gift of life was given in their stead to a family in need.

Yup! That sounds like an idea! What do you all think?

Let me know here>

Tim Southernwood/Get eH² Packs!/BlogNet Awards We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit - Aristotle
Re: Our Insane World!
11/29/2006 10:13:24 AM

Hi Tim

If you want to give to needy children check out 

My church sends them money regularly. You sound like someone I would really like to be friends with. Hopefully a lot of us that feel the same way can get to be friends.

GOD BLESS   Marv Reinard

JOHN 3:16
Tim Southernwood

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Re: Our Insane World!
11/29/2006 11:05:01 AM
Thanks Marv,

Your comments meant a lot to me!
I can't think of a better place to make my donation than FeedTheChildren !
What an INCREDIBLE organization! I was just talking last night about how so many groups spend so much to administer donations, but this group spends only about 11% to get food and necessities to people all over the world. They are the first to respond in many instances of need.

(And I'm not surprised we're already connected here as friends ;-) God's plan.)

Best regards,

Tim Southernwood/Get eH² Packs!/BlogNet Awards We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit - Aristotle
Deborah Skovron

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Re: Our Insane World!
11/29/2006 12:52:13 PM

Hi Tim,

   Your so right. Something is terribly wrong with this pictures.

Thank you, Tim.

Your Good Friend


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