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Luella May

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Google AdSense Dos and Donts
11/25/2006 5:09:17 PM

Google AdSense Do's and Don'ts
By Cody Moya

It is important for every web site owner who plans to use AdSense
to generate revenue to follow the rules of the program and to avoid
the mistakes that have been made by others.  The ability to learn
from the mistakes that others have made has consistently been cited
as one of the key characteristics of successful business people,
and this is certainly true when the playing field is the internet.
It is important to know what works, and what does not, when it
comes to running a successful AdSense program.

Let's start with the list of things you should do.  Perhaps the
most important thing is to carefully follow the terms of service
you agreed to when applying for the AdSense program.  Google has an
extensive monitoring program, and they will not hesitate to ban
sites found to be in violation of the terms of service.

It is also important to include a number of informative articles
covering a variety of different topics, but topics that relate to
one another.  For instance, a sports related web site may have
additional pages devoted to topics such as sports medicine,
fitness, nutrition and vitamin supplements.  This provides a
consistent theme for the site as a whole, while providing room for
a wider variety of AdSense ads and additional streams of revenue.

When choosing keywords it is vital to make sure those keywords are
relevant to your site.  While popular keywords tend to provide more
revenue, it is important that those keywords be relevant to your
site and its focus.  It is also a good idea to look for variations
of popular keywords, or alternative keywords, and to include those
in your content as well.

When adding that keyword rich content, it is important to provide
content that is useful and unique.  Specific content will allow ads
to be more tightly targeted, and those tightly targeted ads tend to
get better results, especially for niche markets.

It is a good idea to experiment with several different formats for
your web page and your ads, and then to test the results of those
changes using either the tracking channels provided by Google or a
third party AdSense tracking software package.

When positioning the ad blocks it is important to use a position
that is unobtrusive but also highly visible.  The text of the ads
should not interfere with web content.  Instead it should blend in
and appear to be a natural part of the site itself.  Placing the
ads near the top of the web site generally works best.  Looking at
your own site from time to time and trying to look at it through
the eyes of the average viewer will help a lot as well.

Finally, it is important to use Google channels, third party
tracking software, or a combination of both to keep tabs on the
performance of the site and make adjustments as needed.  Making
periodic adjustments and adding new content is a great way to keep
the site fresh and to keep the ad revenue coming in.

Of course there are some important things that should be avoided
when using Google AdSense to generate revenue.  Among these no-no's
are such tactics as:

- The use of automated programs to generate clicks

- Repeatedly clicking your own site

- The use of robots to generate clicks

- Tricking visitors into clicking your ads

- Including broken links on your site

- Including outdated information on your site

- Including illegal or offensive content on your site

Knowing what to do, and just as importantly what not to do, are
vitally important to running a successful campaign using Google
AdSense.  When used properly Google AdSense is a very powerful tool
for generating web site revenue, but it is important to use it
properly and to carefully follow the terms of service set forth by

It is also important to keep in mind that those terms of
service may change in response to new developments in the industry,
so it is a good idea to check from time to time to make sure you
are fully in compliance.

Cody Moya writes about "Adsense Tips"
in his Adsense Tips Ezine. You can sign up
for his free Ezine and get additional information at his


To your continued success

John Elliott aka Oaky Wood & Luella May


Carla Carey

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Re: Google AdSense Dos and Donts
11/25/2006 7:17:51 PM
Thanks so much for the information!You are awesome!
Carla :)
Glad to make your acquaintance! Carla Carey
Luella May

3048 Posts
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Re: Google AdSense Dos and Donts
11/25/2006 9:35:14 PM

You are most welcome Carla!  I hope it helped!


Luella May and John Elliott, aka Oaky Wood


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