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Tim Southernwood

839 Posts
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Re: Watch out!! Flu bug season approaches...but this is one virus you DO want.
11/23/2006 4:56:07 PM

The launch is in 17 days or so.
I am using this as another method of growing my list of contacts. You should build as many of these in free programs as you can. When you're up to the level and ability to create your own site with autoresponder and collect your own emails then that should be your next step.
I am presently able to contact almost 6000 people through these types of list builders alone.
If you consider that most pros estimate that you can make an average of $1 per person on your list, then a list of 6000 would be worth $6000
Best regards,

Tim Southernwood/Get eH² Packs!/BlogNet Awards We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit - Aristotle

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