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Bill Brown

480 Posts
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Review - My take on Membership Riches
11/4/2006 4:31:27 PM

I have just spent the last week drudging through  the 101 page long Membership Riches. which is being pushed by a lot of the top "Guru's".

You will note I said drudging through because thats exactly what it was.
Normally I will get through a document of 100 pages in a couple of days.
I read some then I digest it and then go on to the next bit and so I work through.

This ebook took me in fact over a week the main reason for it taking so long was not the fact that I needed so much time to digest what I had read but the fact that I was having the devil of a time trying to stay awake, it was that boring.

I do not claim to be a guru nor do I claim to be the fountain of all knowledge when it comes to web site building and promotion, just as I do not claim to be the new messiah. However at every page I was reading things that I already knew so the "What you need to do" is there, but the vital part that I was expecting to find "The How with real examples" was not explained enough. It is basically a lot of generalization with no useful good example's.
It boils down to  its a "You should do this or you should do that and here is my referral link to what I recommend you use"
BUT and it is a BIG BUT  there is not one concrete example.
For example he says You need a good introductory email. Well Duhhhhhhhhhhh  We already know that  How about showing an example of what  he thinks a good introductory email looks like.

He uses sites like the wall street journal, americangreetings, salon, carfax, ussearch,  and sportingnews as examples of successful paid membership sites. Well considering (as far as I know) they were all started by well established businesses  is it any wonder they are successful. 
Lets get real here who has got millions to start up a membership site and give it the publicity those sites got to get them established? 

The price of this 100 page revelation of the obvious,  is $97 
I feel the information that is given could be presented in 50 pages or less, if all the padding and filling was removed, and, without usable concrete examples it is overrated and overpriced.

Having said all this I feel it can be used as the building block to guide anyone through the steps needed  but it still leaves the reader a massive task of research to find usable examples.
Such as: a good auto responder email series they could use as a basis to build their own series of emails, or some examples of well laid out sites made by people that didn't start out with millions in assets and an army of programmers and advisor's.
But NOT at $97.

Could I promote this with a clear concience?  The answer is No


The above content is my honest opinion and should be taken as such. Everyone should do their own due diligence when looking for reseller products.


Ted Kusie

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Re: Review - My take on Membership Riches
11/4/2006 5:17:21 PM
Thanks for the excellent review Bill!
God Bless Your Success! Ted Kusie Your Adland Friend Winnipeg, Canada Here is Your Money!
Larry Blethen

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Re: Review - My take on Membership Riches
11/5/2006 1:33:51 AM
hello Bill ...I agree with seems people write or try to write...I should say...with out much knowledge of the subject and impress people with many words that mean little but filler for the page...thank you for your review...Larry
Larry Blethen, 304-369-5603
Bill Brown

480 Posts
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Re: Review - My take on Membership Riches
11/5/2006 9:48:50 AM

Hi Larry,

Jason has the knowledge there is no doubt about that.

The point is he is only giving half the story.

The real meat that would help so many is not revealed.

Its a bit like being served up a plate of beef stew with no beef on it.


Donald Rich

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Re: Review - My take on Membership Riches
11/5/2006 5:15:08 PM

