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Luella May

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Self Esteem For Immigrant Women Who Want To Achieve Their Goals
10/31/2006 4:35:32 AM

Self Esteem For Immigrant Women Who Want To Achieve Their Goals
By Caroline Jalango

Are you an immigrant woman who once had dreams and goals for a brighter future? Have you lost your self esteem and confidence in your ability to create the life you want?

Here is how to restore your self esteem and achieve your goals:

1. Be proud of who you are!
The fact that you have moved to a new country doesn’t make you a nobody. You don’t have to feel worthless and invisible. You are somebody! Living in a new country doesn’t change the fact that you are a strong, courageous, intelligent, woman who had the guts to move to a new country and start a-fresh. You are the woman who now has a chance to create a better life and achieve her hearts desires. Don’t look down upon yourself. Be proud. Stand tall, love and value who you are and what you represent. Don’t let your courageous spirit die or let your voice be silenced. You too, have an important contribution to make to the world.

2. Stop playing small and start playing a bigger game.
There is more to you than meets the eye. You have so much potential and there are so many opportunities awaiting you. You needn’t waste any more time shrinking from life and settling for less than you deserve. Think about how to make your life work. Stop applying for jobs for which you are overqualified. Stop wasting your talents, talking about achieving your goals and yet doing nothing to turn the situation around. Raise your game and go for what you deserve. Always remember who you are—a courageous woman!

3. Have a plan for your life.
When you move to a new country, it’s very important to have a plan for your life. The saying goes, “If you don't have a plan for yourself, you'll be a part of someone else's.” The question is…do you have a plan for your life? If you don’t…whose plan are you on? Do you know what you want to do with your life? What is your life’s plan? Why is it important to you? How will you achieve it? How committed are you? Begin to live life according to your plan.

4. Act on your goals and dreams.
If you have dreams and goals, you can still achieve them and turn them into reality. Living in a new land does not imply the death of the dream. You can still achieve what you want, if you don’t allow obstacles, personal insecurities and a victim mentality to rob you of the pleasure of achieving your goals. Take control of your destiny because no one will do it for you. Believe in yourself, develop a positive “I can do it” attitude and become unstoppable. There are so many inspiring stories of immigrants who overcame obstacles and achieved great things. You too can become that story!

5. Take control and pave your own path.
Be determined and aggressively pursue the life you want. Don’t let society and other people’s opinions define who you are and dictate the course of your life. Identify what you want to do and then make plans to achieve it. Go back to school if necessary, join associations and network with progressive people who will support you in achieving your goals. Take control, expect great things for yourself and be open to possibilities and opportunities. You can make it and you better believe it!

6. Be assertive. Speak up for yourself.
Speak up for yourself and take control of your life. You don’t need anyone’s stamp of approval, so, don’t be afraid. Draw your boundaries and let people know when you don’t like what they are saying or doing. Regardless of where you are from, you are a beautiful human being who has rights and no one has any right to violate them. Be assertive and learn how to communicate your feelings and opinions honestly and openly. Find your voice and start by simply learning to say NO.

Caroline coaches women, provides strategies and solutions, motivates and helps women who desperately want to strike the match that sets them ablaze to live happier, meaningful, positive, productive, improved and purpose driven lives. She helps women discover who they are, explore and expand on what they can do and take action to achieve their goals. Send your emails to or visit

Luella May the co-founder of was born in Cuba and is a fine example of a successful businesswoman and an immigrant self-achiever, through her hard work and relentless dedication, both on and off the internet, she now empowers others to attain their own goals. Her new e-book "The 8 Invisible Stains of Our Souls" will help to motivate others by highlighting her own struggles through life, and how you too can aspire, and achieve your own personal success's. "The 8 Invisible Stains of Our Souls" is sponsored by Probably America's leading non-toxic environmentally friendly fuel enhancer, and is published by All graphics and artwork by


To your continued success

John Elliott aka Oaky Wood & Luella May