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Re: Your Feelings
10/15/2006 11:36:27 AM

Okay, Nick:

You asked for my feelings on this very controversial subject and it boils down to personal responsibility.  Very few take personal responsibility for their own actions, their own children's upbringing and their own behavior.  Of course, this is not a popular view, because everyone is playing the blame game.  Blaming God, blaming the government and just about everyone else but the truly responsible party.  So, let's get to the basis of this problem.

It not the teacher's, government's or other entity's responsiblity to raise YOUR children and turn them into responsible humans.

It is not anyone else's responsiblity to keep YOUR behavior, actions and emotions in check and within the realm of the legal limits.  There are reasons that there are laws in this and every other culture.  Free speech is a great thing and opposing views do make life interesting.  However, slander, libel and just plain name-calling are not covered by the 1st Admendment.  Those who "hide" behind the 1st Admendment in this country probably have not read it in it's true context, much less likely that they have read the entire US Constitution (I'm not talking about the ship, people).  You can find a copy at any local library or at if you don't feel like putting that much effort into it.  Feel free to explore the site, it's fascinating.

It is not the government's or anyone else's responsibility to make your life a pleasant one.  You have the right to the pursuit of's not a guarantee.  You want a better house, car or whatever then work for it!  Don't expect the state to pay your way.  We do have some wonderful programs to help people out in the time of need, but it's only a band-aid solution until one gets another job and back on their feet.  Welfare and other financial aid is not a guaranteed or a forever thing.

On the subject of religion and religious practices (always a heated topic), the government shall enact no law regarding or restricting it.  That also means no law shall be enacted regarding the lack of religion.  While I believe God is everywhere, even during those tragic events, religion is not something to be forced on people.  Forcing some one to believe the way another person does is not freedom, it's tyranny.  Blaming the Government for what happened in those schools is pointless and again avoiding personal responsibility.  The only one responsible for those deaths and injuries is the perpetrators.  A quick look into their histories also clearly points out that as children, they were not given the opportunity to learn how to become responsible and productive citizens.  Sitting a child down in front of the TV or video game console is not raising him/her.  And, no one is responsible for raising the children but their parents.

While this sounds harsh, it is no less true...stop blaming God, the government, the ACLU and take hard look in the mirror.  You are responsible for your own one else.

Stepping off my soapbox, now.


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Nick Sym

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Re: Your Feelings
10/15/2006 6:06:47 PM

Hi Muriel And Graham

I get a big smile on my face when I see the picture of you two together! And your words ring so true. Can things get better or will it be a big brother world where we end up having no choice in any decisions - Bless you both, you make a beautiful couple!

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Nick Sym

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Re: Your Feelings
10/15/2006 6:16:43 PM

Hi Robert !

I respect your words very much and must agree. Though most people would not consider themselves animals, without authority and guidance that is exactly what we become. When the police went on strike so many years ago, the people went berserk and ripped the town apart. This is why there is a divine leader for the believers and the law for the non-believers - Amen!


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Re: Your Feelings
10/15/2006 6:34:51 PM

Here's my fellings

GOD should be welcome everywhere at anytime in the world and of the day.

When they took the prayers out of school then we don't want to go to church because the children of the parents that work for the church are a real bad bunch.

Here's someting I know for a fact You should always pray before each day and meal I don't beleive that you have to pray for every little thing. That make you a boring person and your not listening to what GOD has to teach you everyday that you are on borrowed time. When the time comes for us to go we have to leave our bodys and the time that we had left behind it's not ours anymore.

This is why babies are born to let those of us go when we have done what we were put on this earth to do. I don't beleive in killing anyone or anything and I think everyone else should feel the same but we don't now do we?

Thank you for listining to what I had to say

Mike Eldred

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Re: Your Feelings
10/15/2006 8:07:01 PM

Hello Nick,,  Is the snow falling yet?  thanks for the invite.

many responces are pretty much the same.. I like Steves input same here..   we all seem to (see) the lack of discipline problem that is amungst the next generation.  rights and responsability one being more known then the other is an issue caused of the set boundaries that have parents and schools setting on their hands now..

New Jersey state, is recently (relooking) at these -to leanient- to    relaxed- by lines.. They are (seeing) the faults ,finally.. They have started redesigning the bylines..

Disapline now adays is to relaxed. As what my dad would say " Wiat until we get home".  Another one "Go wait at the door for me" Then he comes in and looks at me then says "You know better then that, I'll get you when you least expect it, Now go to your room and think about it."  . I'm still waiting for a couple-lol. But he placed the fear within me to keep my mind set for the straight.. However he did lay me out once, I well deserved it at 15yr, while A dispute with my sis i raised my hand and she dared me to hit her, Ashamed to say I did,, I learned quick NOT to do this as I layed flat out on the floor with father standing over me saying "Never strike a girl"  . I am glad he taught me this. Perhaps I would not be the respectfull fellow I am today. Disapline is a well needed aspect in everyones life. respectfully used disapline helps (mold) ones self..  Like Steve stated hes not psycologically scard and niether am I. The best times of my life are spent with my dad. Even now..   In schools up to the 8th grade wooden battles were used, and boy were they..CRACK the sound echos around the room and a wimpering kid goes back to their seat and does not inturupt the class room again for some time.  We all see the Attitudes comeing from this generation.  we all see what has changed and what needs to change. just sending a kid to their room is nothing to them, they most likely have a TV and video games and a phone.. So whats the punishment in that?  Anyway enough rambleing,, At least New Jersey realizes the fault in the set lines..

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