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Creating the life you want
10/6/2006 8:50:03 AM
Hi Friends, Do you have goals and dreams for your future? Do you wish your life was different in some ways? Are you too busy you dont have time to stop and even think about where your heading? Do you feel the your partner,kids or the home needs are more important than your own and your role in life is to give your time and energy to them instead of doing anything for yourself? Without dreams and goals for our future we have no way of creating the life we want and end up getting dragged along by other peoples dreams or we simply just continue to exist as we are now. These options may be perfectly OK by you but if they are not then it is time to do something about it! The wonderful thing about life is that we have the ability to imagine the life we want and the power to create it. Consciously choosing to create a wonderful life for ourselves and taking steps towards acheiving our goals are the first steps.You can choose to start this any time, wherever you may be and however bad things may seem. Start Today! Tell us one thing that you wish to accomplish from start to finish, look forward to your posts. Thanks for your time Leanne Busby See what's new at my Garden club!
Kathy Kanouse

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Re: Creating the life you want
10/6/2006 12:23:25 PM
Thanks Leanne I look forward to moving my Online web site to a higher level one day soon. I have been tweeking it in some ways from some help of some awesome friends within adland. THANKS EVERYONE for your helping hands & advice.
Now I think it's time to move it ahead another step & that is to figure out the rest of the how too's Online. It's a day by day process but it has to move forward one way or another.
I will suceed one day soon
Kathy C
Re: Creating the life you want
10/6/2006 10:04:09 PM
Hi Kathy, Thanks for taking the time to post, I am sure you will move onward and upward. If there's anyway I can help just drop me a line! Hope you have a great weekend! Thanks Leanne Busby
Re: Creating the life you want
10/19/2006 5:31:08 AM
Hi Judy, Unfortunately, the scammers out there are making it harder and harder for the honest programs! So little trust. It's great youve found a few trustworthy ones! Have a great day! Thanks Leanne Busby
Rich Hazlett

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Re: Creating the life you want
2/17/2007 2:19:12 PM

Great info, Leanne.  So many people give up on their dreams just short of the finish line. We all have those days that make us wonder about our obligations, and those are the days that our dreams will pull us through to the other side. It is important to create a powerful vision of what we want in our lives and then do our best to step into that vision on a daily basis.

 Create your own luck!


"Is what I am doing today getting me closer to where I want to be tomorrow?"    -Jim Rohn


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