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Re: This Scam Just In
9/20/2006 8:28:59 AM
Good morning and thanks for the heads-up on this one.  My question to the whole community is one concerning a group called "PAS", seemd like an OK thing.  However, I have been unable to get much of a response from others in my up-line.  Anyone have any comments on PAS, good or bad or otherwise please E-mail with  a response.  Many thanks,   Gary A. Utley , Dickinson, Texas. 
Trina Sonnenberg

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Re: This Scam Just In
9/20/2006 10:32:07 AM
I know several people in PAS. Actually, I've written a lot of copy for them myself.

The people I've had as clients are making a lot of money with it. However, I really think it is ify. There is no real product involved.

I've been doing a lot of copywriting for a company called Platinum Travel Club, and in my opinion, they have an awesome program that is automated, like PAS, but with an honest to goodness, high demand product.

If I were in the market for a home based business opp, that's the one I'd choose.

Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Freelance Commercial Writer TLC Promotions & The Trii-Zine Ezine ISSN 1555-2276