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emancipation of a child
9/14/2006 8:39:53 AM
dear frineds, Human Evolution: We all are human beings driven by destiny. Depending on destiny alone will not help us to achieve desired goals in life. We have to be focused on our conduct and plan well to achieve economic strength to live respectfully in the society. We do not know the exact date of human evolution. The theory of big bang makes scientists estimate formation of the solar system itself thousands of billions of years ago. After that earth was formed and earth was non-inhabitable for millions of years and there was no vegetation on the earth. Subsequently, human evolution occurred. Humans initially struggled for survival because they were not aware of handling various resources that were made available to them by the nature. Slowly, need of the hour made humans to ’THINK’ better ways of using the resources and create better living conditions. THINK: Now the word ‘think’ has been used over here in the above paragraph. The word ‘think’ makes us think that we have a faculty to think. This faculty is nothing but ‘THE BRAIN’. The brain is made up of approximately 12 to 13 billion cells. As per the estimate by learned scientists on an average a human uses about 10 per cent of the brain’s capacity. It means, when we die we leave behind approximately 10 to 11 billion cells in ‘the brain’ unutilized. We can surmise from the above that though we have enough scope to achieve better things than what we have so far achieved, we the average people ignore our own potential. The study of ‘the brain’ is a complex subject and whatever little now we have become aware of ‘the brain’ is the result of research undertaken by scientists in the last 100 years and we will come to know more about it in future. The structure of the ‘brain’ is so vast that one scientist quoted that if we were to create a computer of the capacity equal to a human brain, to store such a computer the ‘Empire’ building in the ‘U.S.A’ would not be sufficient. KNOWLEDGE: Knowledge is ‘power’ ‘weapon’ ‘capacity’ ‘ability’ ‘achievement’. When you acquire sufficient knowledge, it influences your behaviour. Your behaviour influences your audiences, who will be judging you always. Experience by others of your behaviour makes your mission in life a success. Your economic strength comes from success through knowledge and behaviour. The word ‘behaviour’ signifies your individual’s performance in terms of ability to ‘comprehension’ ‘initiative’ ‘responsiveness’ ‘accountability’ ‘truthfulness’ ‘dedication’ ‘honesty’ ‘loyalty’ ‘dependability’ ‘capacity’ ‘creativity’ ‘efficiency’ ‘proficiency’. EXPERIENCE AND KNOWLEDGE: How to acquire knowledge? What is knowledge? The principles of guidance to your behaviour through experience are ‘knowledge’. What is ‘experience’? We are aware of ‘perceptions’ – or ‘panchendriyams’. We must have heard about ‘panchendriyams’ at one time or the other from our parents, gurus, and forefathers that we must control our ‘panchendriyams’. Are we really aware of the effects or meaning of ‘panchendriyams’ in general? There are five perceptions – taste, sound, feel, touch and vision. Result of these five perceptions creates ‘wants’ and ‘wants’ make us greedy and some may lose track of them and become very greedy and sacrifice human values. That is why the need for control of ‘panchendriyams’ and indirectly ‘wants’. BEHAVIOUR: What makes us behave like we behave? Our success or failure directly affects our behaviour. Let us consider a case of an individual, who despite being educated is unable to find good employment. We have surmised the term ‘educated’ and still the individual is unable to find good employment. What could be the reason for this? How it affects his behaviour? The reasons can be many and let us consider a few of them. This individual may be very good at academics and must have achieved a first class or distinction. But, then, this individual may not be having sufficient courage to take responsibility in the area of his specialization, which makes the prospective employer to reject his candidature. The failure in achieving good employment disturbs the mind of this individual and it will be visible in every aspect of his behaviour / performance. This individual would lack self-confidence. As a result, he would acquire negative body language. At the same time, if this individual is able to shoulder responsibility in relation to his academic qualifications, the prospective employer would definitely engage his / her services and as a result of this success, you can see vibration of self-confidence in his / her body language and behaviour. Every experience of ours leaves a lasting impression on our brain, which will influence our behaviour.

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