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Bogdan Fiedur

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The future starts today...
5/30/2005 10:26:34 AM
"The future starts today, not tomorrow. " Pope John Paul II
Be a victor not a victim. Simply be responsible for what happensin your life.
Truth can only be found by those who have the humility to consider what they do not prefer.

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Re: The future starts today...
5/30/2005 3:42:12 PM
"The future starts today, not tomorrow. " Pope John Paul II I did not know the Pope said this, our thoughts are alike. As I wrote in one of my previous Forum reply: RE: TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS: The past, the present and the future The past is gone, learn by it, but don’t dwell in it. The present is today, plan and use it wisely. The FUTURE is what we create TODAY. TO ENLARGE ON THE ABOVE: THE PAST •It’s gone like water flowing under a bridge, it’s gone forever. •You cannot get back yesterday or the previous minute. THE PRESENT •Is now this minute use it wisely? •Each day everyone has 1440 minutes deposited in their time bank account what is not used today cannot be carried over to tomorrow its lost forever, you must learn how to use time to it’s best advantage. As they say Time is now! Time is Money. •Plan now to create the future THE FUTURE •Can be dealt with when it arrives, and it will now be the present. GUIDE TO SUCCESS. •Don’t try to live in the past or in tomorrow concentrate on TODAY. REMEMBER •As one door shuts another will open •But you must look for opportunity and grasp it. •Live life to it’s fullest, make every minute count, and be happy Bryan Webb My Website : My Email : "Ferrari" Flash Presentation: My Website : *****************************************#
Re: The future starts today...
5/30/2005 4:46:06 PM
The quotation of Pope Join Paul ll reminds me of the plaque that is over my Kitchen Door. It reads: Yesterday is gone, Tomorrow is yet to come, LIVE for THIS DAY! Rudolph
Thea Westra

235 Posts
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Re: The future starts today...
5/31/2005 7:48:23 AM
Phew, it's a heavy night! I've only just now finished a posting at Taking sections from and then I meet your quote Bogdan, in that context. So I thought you might all enjoy this little clip: Love from Thea

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