
Re: Join free and we help you build a Team
9/5/2006 12:33:21 PM

Nutritional supplements are a big reason I am enjoying having my life back from Lupus.......two years in remission. :o)

Average everyday american does not understand their is a BIG LACK of nutrition in our food supply........not just because so much of folks diet is processed food........but because our food even before processing doesn't have the nutrients in it it used too. For instance, to get the same amount of vitamin A that was in a peach in'd have to eat 53 peaches today. All our food is that lacking in nutrients.

The AMA not long ago said in their journal (JAMA) that everyone should supplement.

Economists have stated the next trillion dollar industry will be wellness. Because not only are the baby boomers looking for alternatives to good health and anti-aging.....but people are waking up to wellness and what it takes to be well.

Pam Murphy

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