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Deborah Skovron

2979 Posts
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Re: Something to ponder...
8/29/2006 9:32:13 PM

Hi Marie,

     I took you up on your invitation, and here I am!!!

That was quite a good article you wrote. I enjoyed it very much. Thank you.

Your Friend


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Re: Something to ponder...
8/29/2006 9:55:49 PM
Hi Marie :) thanks for sharing, great article, have a wonderful day :)
Re: Something to ponder...
8/29/2006 11:53:52 PM
Hi Marie. Not only do I have character I am a character!  At 59 years old I have so much to learn about myself and the business world but I have one quality that alot of other networkers seem to lack. I am very coachable!  Being coachable has gotten me off to a great start with my business. My mother finds it hilarious that I am coachable because when I was a kid I always wanted to do the opposite of what I was told.  I guess it must be my maturity working on me. I look forward to learning from you and I enjoyed your post very much.

Elizabeth Otto
"There is a law in psychology that if you form a picture in your mind of what you would like to be, and you keep and hold that picture there long enough, you will soon become exactly as you have been thinking." William James 1842-1910, Psycho
Re: Something to ponder...
8/30/2006 4:11:53 AM

Hi Marie,

Thanks for the invite and also the opportunity to have another wonderful Adland friend ;)

Your post was first class and I look forward to reading more success tips from you in the future!

To your success
Craig ;)

Craig Hocking ===> ============================== Do You Squidoo? ===> =====================================
Herb Gruenewald

319 Posts
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Re: Something to ponder...
8/30/2006 7:59:24 AM

Hi Marie,

I have read your post and it is a brilliant piece of work. I enjoyed it very much and, I too, am looking forward to seeing your future forum posts.

Thanks for inviting me and thank you for the invitation to be your friend.

All the Best,
Herb G
