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Bogdan Fiedur

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Men are wise in proportion not to their experience...
5/29/2005 5:09:07 PM
"Men are wise in proportion not to their experience, but to their capacity for experience." – George Bernard Shaw, Playwright
Be a victor not a victim. Simply be responsible for what happensin your life.
Truth can only be found by those who have the humility to consider what they do not prefer.

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Thea Westra

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Re: Men are wise in proportion not to their experience...
5/29/2005 6:46:33 PM
Very right Bogdan. "Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence." ~ Robert Frost ~ Love from Thea :)
Re: Men are wise in proportion not to their experience...
5/30/2005 8:25:53 AM
I agree with George. If by experience he means the continuous repeition of a process I venture to say that repetition of a process (in itself) does not make for the comprehension of that process. In effect,repetition of the process could become a mechanical exercise. The capacity for experience then is the ability of men to comprhend the process. Rudolph
Amalia Sotiriadou

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Re: Men are wise in proportion not to their experience...
5/30/2005 8:54:36 AM
Hmmm... considering that I have an 8 year old niece that is FAR wiser than her 43 year old mother, I'll have to agree with this one wholeheartedly. In a supervisory course I attended too many years ago to mention, a question was asked... "Is 11 years experience better than 1 year's experience?" All those who answered "yes" failed. The reason? 11 years of experience could mean 1 year of bad experience repeated 11 times. Amalia
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