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Re: Thought_Creates
7/15/2006 10:49:14 AM

Hi Elizabeth

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.  I believe in positive affirmations and writing things down.

Now, I must get this DVD that you're talking about!

Warm Regards Elizabeth


EA Gough
Re: Thought_Creates
9/2/2006 10:56:10 AM

My Dear and Respected Friend....!

Thank you for this wonderful post.

I do agree with you....the positive thoughts will definately bring the positive results....but, at the same time, if something goes wrong....what will be the next - immediate - action to rectify....?

Generally, there is a saying in our language (Malayalam) in India....


Thanking you, once again, for giving me this opportunity to join and share my views.

With lots of Love, Affection, Respect and Prayers.....!

Your Ever Loving Friend,

Mohamed Gani.

Re: Thought_Creates
9/2/2006 12:30:38 PM
Thank you so much for visiting my forum since I really don't know how to invite people. Still haven't read all that I should about manuvering around this community. I just know that there are alot of great people here to learn from and you are definitely one of them.  Also Mohamed if you are preparing for the worst that is likely what you will get.  The idea behind thought_creates is the fact that you should always expect the best.  You should never hope for something.  You should never need for something.  You should always ask for what you want, visualize it, feel the feeling that goes along with receiving it and give thanks for it before it arrives. Above all else be thanksful for what you have Giving thanks for what you have opens the door for your abundance to flow into your life.  If you haven't done so please read "The Science of Getting Rich".  If you apply the teachings in that book to life your have yourself a wonderful job in no time. Thought_creates unending relationships and abundance in your life.  May your thoughts and your dreams come true!

"There is a law in psychology that if you form a picture in your mind of what you would like to be, and you keep and hold that picture there long enough, you will soon become exactly as you have been thinking." William James 1842-1910, Psycho

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