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Re :Let's lighten the Load
7/9/2006 8:22:42 PM
Hi Mary, Saw a hint over in another forum about too many spaces between paragraphs. Think it suggested to hold down SHIFT key while hitting ENTER key and that should reduce the spaces. I use Firefox browser and no longer see all those helpful icons which I had access to a few days ago. Have contacted Michael at Adland support and hope to hear from him soon. Wayne
Mary Hofstetter

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Re :Let's lighten the Load
7/9/2006 8:37:11 PM

Hi Wayne,
Will try your idea.  I just held down the shift when I hit
enter.  Let's see if that helps.

One of my team mates on the Gazette has expressed that this
new system is making her work go much slower.

If I have to stop and press the Enter and the Shift for each

paragraph, then yes it will slow us down.

Another issue which I find important is that there is no preview when posting. A forum poster has no way to make corrections without the preview feature.

Mary Hofstetter

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Re :Let's lighten the Load
7/10/2006 9:10:53 PM

How is everyone handling this?

Give us some clues as to ways to work through this

Some posts have hurt my eyes with the colors people have chosen.

What are some of your opinions and options?

Mary Hofstetter

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Re :Let's lighten the Load
7/13/2006 12:29:13 PM

Well we solved one problem, thanks to our friend Wayne Ellis.

To preview your post click on button on the tool bar- second from the right lower row.

Thanks Wayne
