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Mary Hofstetter

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Can We Talk
7/3/2006 9:15:33 AM
Hello everyone, I have a friend with a problem. It is necessary to keep her busy at her business as that is how she makes her living. ******************************************** Here is what she would like to know. Does anyone know how to get rid of the Chat with Me button? my friends usually send me a private message to chat, but I'm getting some invitations from people I dont know and who are not on my friends list that I would like not to have - and I dont want to be rude and just ignore them I'll wait and see if anyone can help me. Thanks in advance. Jenny ******************************************** If we can keep her busy working at her artistic creations as she is earning a living for her family. Those little cherubs and angels are collectors items for individual or church use. Lots of time is needed to get ready for Christmas. Get your orders in now and tell her Mary sent you. ******************************************** Do you use CHAT? Is there any benefit? Problems using this tool? Who is using for what reasons? Let's give this ago-around the community and see if we can help her and ourselves to make our time on Adlandpro comfortable.
Lisa Westberry

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Re: Can We Talk
7/3/2006 9:52:14 AM
Hello Mary, I know there is a way to get rid of it but I don't know how. Sorry!! Someone told me they got rid of theres but I can not remember how they did it or maybe you have to get in touch with Admin and ask them to remove it on your profile. Michael Dela Cruz is always so helpful. Maybe ask John Sanchez Thank you for helping our friend Mary. Your Friend and Team mate,
Re: Can We Talk
7/3/2006 10:07:32 AM
no, i do not have any idea on how to remove the chat button
Leon Horton

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Re: Can We Talk
7/3/2006 10:09:54 AM
Hi Mary, I have looked at every aspect of my profile and all of the links in the column on the left and I cannot find any way to turn off the "Chat with Me" button. I suppose it is something that is integrated into your posts. I clicked your button and it said it was for chatting with you. I clicked Lisa's and it said it was for chatting with Lisa. So, it is a built in feature that we cannot control. If a person is getting requests from people to chat, I am sure there is a way to tell the person (diplomatically) NO. Sorry, I cannot help with this one... I do not use it and would not have time to sit and chit-chat anyway. Peace, Leon
Donna Sweasey

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Re: Can We Talk
7/3/2006 10:13:57 AM
Hi Mary, I don't know how to get rid of the "chat" but I would get in touch with Admin. Personally, I don't use the Chat button 1) Don't know how. 2) So many other ways to keep in touch. 3) As I am an old newbie, I get confused easily and the simpliar the better. Mary, I like this idea! Thank you.... Warm regards, Donna