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Gary Small

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6/23/2006 2:25:38 PM
10 Special Tips for Your Romantic Getaways

By: Yochention Saritoh

Taking a break by going for romantic getaways with your loved one is a precious moment. So all the things needed for the trips has to be prepared carefully especially when you travel abroad.

Each country has its own requirement for visitors to visit the country. Here are the tips for preparing your romantic getaways that really could help you especially when it is your first time to travel abroad.

1. Research romantic getaways places Research the romantic getaways places or honeymoon places that you want to go. You should discuss places to go for your romantic getaways with your partner to make sure that both of you will enjoy the trip. Discuss the budget that you both have in order to pick the best place to enjoy your honeymoon or romantic getaways within the budget.

2. Check the weather When you travel to the tropical country, actually any time of the year is perfect because the tropical countries mostly have a stable weather all year long. The weather in the tropical countries is mostly warm and humid. When you want to travel to any four-season countries, you should check the weather on the country. Also, you need to check the weather of the time when you visit the country so that it will help you to decide either to bring thick clothes, t-shirts, short-pants or tank-tops.

3. Credit Card Frequent Flyer Program Check whether your credit card has a frequent flyer program so you could get a discount or points for traveling. You could save a lot if you have a frequent flyer program credit card which eventually will grant you a free ticket after you reach a certain points. Especially if you are a frequent traveler or your job requires you to travel a lot then you definitely need to have that kind of credit card.

4. Book an airline ticket There are a lot of airfare deals out there for you to choose. Usually the deals that most airlines offer are for a short time only, so whenever you are sure about your destination then you need to book it right a way. The other thing about the online travel deal is that you have to make sure that the date and the time of travel before you purchase the ticket because most of the good deals are usually non-refundable.

5. Rent a Car One thing about renting a car, you might want to consider getting car insurance. That is usually also offered at the rental car place when you want to do one. The reason why you need this is because you don't know that something will come up when you travel and you might find the liability insurance is really helpful and save you a lot.

6. International Driving Permit Applying an international driving permit is one thing that you need to be considered when you are planning to rent a car during your romantic getaways. Especially when you are traveling abroad, international driving permit can really come in handy. You can get your international driver permit by applying from AAA.

7. Reserve a hotel A good tip for couple who usually go on their honeymoon is that when you arrive at the hotel, you could tell the front desk that you are on your honeymoon. You don't know something good might surprise you two just because you let the people know that you are on your honeymoon. Some hotels might prepare a bottle of wine in your room of maybe a bouquet of flowers. Just don't forget to mention that you are on your honeymoon.

8. Apply for Passport and Visa If you are going for international trips, then you should check the visa necessities and your passport whether it is still valid. It is best to apply for your passport at least eight weeks before you plan to leave. This will allow the time for processing and any possible complications.

9. Write up your honeymoon packing list Write a list of things that you need to bring during your honeymoon. Most of the small general necessities like toothpaste, toothbrush, underwear and condom you could get it at the hotel. If you are traveling on your honeymoon, do not forget to bring lingerie, candles, bubble bath, sunscreen and motion sickness medicine.

10. Find out the easiest way to use money/credit You might want to purchase Travelers Checks or get a "Travel Money" card from your local bank or currency exchange office. It is better to carry traveler's check instead of large amounts of cash.

About the Author Yochention and his wife love to travel and they love to share their knowledge of travelling to couples. Visit their site at: to get ideas for your next romantic getaways.

Gary Small

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Tips for Packing and Traveling Lite
6/30/2006 4:22:29 PM
By: Holly Bentz Friday, June 30, 2006 How-to Pack and Travel Lite In this day and age of traveling cephalalgia,(sic) there are a few packing tactics to employ. To cut out an extra thirty to forty minutes at the arriving airport, start with packing small luggage. Since carry-ons can not exceed a linear dimension of 45 inches, you can escape the fiasco of the baggage terminal by simply packing and traveling light. To learn how to pack all your needs into one suitcase, read more. Use the following pithy packing tips to make your travel light: Make a list. Compose a pack list. Be sure to coordinate shirts and blouses with bottoms. To maximize your traveling wardrobe fashion savoir faire, stick with solids and versatile basics. Rule-out any clothes that do not match other items. Roll ‘em up please. The best way to fit all your clothes is by rolling pants and shirts. First fold each item in half. Then simply roll. To try to maintain any creases, start on the bulkiest end of the article of clothing. Gear up. How to make an awe-inspiring impression out of a basic or mundane outfit? For the most glam appeal, accessorize with a vibrant tie (for him) or a florid scarf (for her). Multihued accessories can liven up just about any attire. Minimize bulk. After you check for space, edit outfits ruthlessly. Try to pack microfibers with wrinkle and stain free comfort. With most of your attire, stay in the same color scheme in case you have to layer up for warmth. Employ shoe smarts. For men, any leather rubber-soled shoes can make the day and night transition, easy. For woman, a pair of flip-flops, strappy sandals and comfy wedges can serve all casual chic dressing needs. Put under garments on the top. To reduce the embarrassment of under garments becoming the side show attraction of the open luggage scan, place all panties in a plastic bag free of any clippers, lighters or other questionable paraphernalia. For expedient security review, place the transparent bag on top of your other items so security can access the bag without ruining your efficient packing method. Lose Extra Baggage. Leave the heavy travel guide at home. Duplicate important resources to keep your luggage free of extra pounds. Since most hotels and resorts provide irons and blow-dryers -- leave yours at home for light travel. Leave restricted items at home. If you want to make it through security extra fast, avoid any firearms, weapons, box-cutters, scissors, razors, lighters and any other item that may be used in a terrorist situation. About the Author Freelance writer, Holly Bentz is the owner of a media boutique, From subliminal e-sales letters, informative articles to powerfully persuasive web content, Bentz takes pride in providing awe-inspiring copy.
Gary Small

243 Posts
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Advantages of a Weekend-Getaway
7/11/2006 5:33:00 PM
People often underestimate the advantages of getting away for a weekend. Often people don’t go anywhere thinking “I can’t afford a week long vacation” or “I don’t have time to take a week off”. You would be surprised how just getting away for a couple of days will make you feel as though you did have a week long break! Here are some more advantages of taking a short vacation break: It Costs Less No doubt about it, paying for a hotel and meals for 3 nights instead of 7 will set you back less out of the pocket book. It Takes Less Planning Time Many mini vacations are available as last minute deals, saving you time and money. All you need to do is pick the destination and pack your bags! Recharge Time What are you planning to do this weekend? Mow the lawn? Do the Laundry? Get some paperwork done? Getting away from the routine and daily demands, even for 2 or 3 days will help recharge the batteries. When you stay around the house, you are reminded of what needs to be done and it adds to the stress. New Discoveries Often you may not consider visiting a particular area or city for a long stretch but a few days does the trick. There are many places you can go and see where three days is enough. Instead of two week long vacations, you could pack in 4 weekends and visit 4 different destinations! It Can Be As Exotic or Low Key As You want Depending on your travel time, Mexico, Canada and US destinations are all do-able for North Americans for shorter jaunts. Many cruise lines now also offer 3-day packages. It’s a Great Way to Celebrate Do you have a special occasion coming up? An anniversary, birthday or another special day. Is there a long weekend on the horizon? What a great way to make it really special. Whether you are going to travel with the family or as a couple for a romantic weekend, the sky is the limit. You will come back feeling refreshed and rejuvenated and wondering when you can go again! About the Author Jolana Klobouk is a former travel agent who has traveled extensively for work and vacations with her family. For more travel information, visit her travel websites: and

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