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Larry Anderson

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something new 6.22.06
6/22/2006 6:56:12 AM
Hi Avid Readers I am thinking of starting something new and I need everyones imput on it It is called weird news The following is an example Little girls' lemonade stand stolen NAPERVILLE, Ill. (UPI) -- Two small girls in Naperville, Ill., were upset by the theft of their lemonade stand over the weekend, the Naperville Sun reported. Lucinda Bucheit, 3, and Marcelite Bucheit, 5, earned $51 in three days before their lemonade stand was stolen from their baby sitter's garage. The two girls were earning money to purchase gifts for their parents and to visit the nearby Brookfield Zoo. Brienne Lord, 21, the girls' baby sitter, has not yet reported the incident to police, but told the newspaper that she intends to do so if the stand is not returned. Lord and the girls plan to build another lemonade stand and start over, the newspaper said. Now I need your vote on whether to stay with weird fact of the day or go with weird news
Larry Anderson 1st vice president Get what you want but want what you get Wherever you go-there you are Skpe ID:larryeanderson
Carla Carey

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Re: something new 6.22.06
6/22/2006 7:07:25 AM
HI LARRY, I think this is good but like the wierd facts too. I think I'll vote for wierd facts, I know you will go by the majority. Thanks so much!This will be very interesting! Carla :)
Glad to make your acquaintance! Carla Carey
Larry Anderson

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Re: something new 6.22.06
6/22/2006 7:12:08 AM
Hi Carla I thank you for your opinion
Larry Anderson 1st vice president Get what you want but want what you get Wherever you go-there you are Skpe ID:larryeanderson
Thea Westra

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Re: something new 6.22.06
6/22/2006 7:25:05 AM
I much prefer Weird News. Great idea. However, why not have it all...connect the two each day? Have the weird fact be something related to the weird news item e.g. Weird News: Little girls' lemonade stand stolen NAPERVILLE, Ill. (UPI)....etc Weird Fact: It cost the soft drink industry $100 million a year for thefts committed involving vending machines. You could call the forum "Today's Weird" (as in, Today Is Weird or the Weird of Today). You never know what else that could develop into after a time! :)
Elisa Simmons

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Re: something new 6.22.06
6/22/2006 7:36:35 AM
I like Weird Facts better. It's short and sweet, and very interesting. Cya, Elisa