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Vi Shahan

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Teaching Balance-The Negative Effects Of Spoiling Children
6/5/2006 3:55:08 PM
Parents are moved by instinct to love, nurture, and provide for their offspring. Because our children are so much a part of us, we want to see them blissfully happy. Also, our own desire to be liked, materialist pressures, and a fervent wish that our children have everything we lacked as youngsters can prompt us to spoil them. However, while it might seem that buying your child expensive gifts will give them fond memories of childhood or that you can heal your emotional wounds by doting on your sons and daughters, you may be unconsciously interfering with your children's evolutional development. One of the most precious gifts you can grant your children is the true independence they gain when they learn to earn what they covet and become stewards of their own happiness. Try allowing your children to experience life to the fullest. Let them work and earn what they want. When the time comes for them to go to college and enter the workforce, you will have the confidence that you have raised a child that can both enter and contribute to society confidently. When children are not afforded the opportunity to explore self-reliance, to understand that with possession comes price, and to fulfill their own needs, they develop a sense of entitlement that blinds them to the necessity of hard work and the needs of others. We may spoil children because giving them gifts is pleasurable. Or we may want to avoid conflict out of fear that our children won't love us. Yet children who are given acceptance, love, and affection in abundance are often kinder, more charitable, and more responsible than those whose parents accede to their every material demand. They develop a strong sense of self that stretches beyond possessions and the approval of their peers, and as adults they understand that each individual is responsible for building the life they desire. If you find yourself giving in to your child's every whim, ask yourself why. You may discover that you are trying to answer for what you feel is lacking in your own life. Rearing your children to respect the value of money and self-sufficiency as they grow from infants to young adults is a challenging but rewarding process. It can be difficult to watch a child struggle to meet a personal goal yet wonderful to be by their side as they achieve it. Your choice not to spoil your children will bless you with more opportunities to show them understanding and compassion and to be fully present with them as they journey toward adulthood.
"Change Your Mind." "Change Your Life." Vi Shahan Website:
Joe Goldner

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Re: Teaching Balance-The Negative Effects Of Spoiling Children
6/5/2006 3:58:58 PM
Read and click on the following to help our children and their future! INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY! Fork It Over! a Ground Floor Unique Dimension & Concept In the Children’s Entertainment Market… For More information
Joe Goldner COO Ritty In The City
Sheryl Loch

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Re: Teaching Balance-The Negative Effects Of Spoiling Children
6/5/2006 4:36:41 PM
Hello Vi, This is an excellent article. I believe you should let a child earn & learn! Cait may not have as many "things" as other kids we know but I chose to work at home and so she has me. We play ball, do crafts, play games, & just sit and enjoy our chats. She is well respected by the neighbors & does pet sitting and odd jobs for them. She loves the things she buys with HER OWN money. She not only makes allot of the things on our crafts site she uploads pics & checks email. She will be 12 this month and can't wait to get her own internet business. As you can tell I am very proud of her! Have a super day, Sheryl
Re: Teaching Balance-The Negative Effects Of Spoiling Children
6/6/2006 8:27:57 AM
EXCELLENT info!!! I was working LONG shifts as a RN and Tim in the Military, and we were having more and more problems with especially our youngest son who was pre-teen. Now that Tim and I are both home full time, Shawn is making A's, working 3 part time jobs this summer along with varsity swimming, and it's been AWESOME seeing him grow!! Thanks for sharing!!! Linda/CMAS, BS, RN
John Rivera

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Re: Teaching Balance-The Negative Effects Of Spoiling Children
6/6/2006 7:49:40 PM
HI VI I totally agree with the article. Self reliance is totally needed in todays world. If kids Earn the money for needed items and Learn how to save and buy with it, then you've done something good for his long term adulthood. Bravo!!! ======================================== Place a FREE AD on me: 10,500 Free HITS from this link: Massive Traffic for FREE FREE: Multiply Your Advertising Results By Thousands With Your Ad Listed On 5635+ Sites! Tons OF Traffic!

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