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This is the saddest thing - why do people do this?
6/3/2006 1:32:02 AM
Hi: On June 1, Art Webster posted a post in his forum. In part, it said; I have been struggling for some time against health problems that have seriously depleted my money box. (..snipped..) PLEASE. If any of you has a programme that will enable me to see some return from effort with very little initial outlay and from which you have actually received a realistic income - I WOULD LOVE TO KNOW ABOUT IT. Today is June 3. There are NO replies to his request. Not one. Nada. I figure it's the 'realistic income' part. You think?? AND YET... in the meantime, I have received several messages like these; --> Use MTT to Promote Your AFF URL and make 60,000$ in 30 Days! --> Streams of Auto Pilot Income. Are you Ready for Yours? --> MLM IS A GAME - SCORE AT WILL --> All I can say is AWESOME!!!!!!! The TOP people use this system and it works!!! --> Absolutely Amazing ... Take A Look! Make Money from Home Using the Power of the Internet. There's almost 100 of those things in my trash bin. WHY DO PEOPLE DO THIS? I am NOT surprised that Art has had no replies. When I first re-joined Adland last fall, I spent the first month replying to every crappy ad I got and asking the sender HOW MUCH they were making. NO ONE was making anything significant. Seeing Art's post sitting there with no reply while people blast out "make money" ads all around us is the saddest and most pathetic thing I've seen for a long time. Fact is, if something isn't making YOU any money, should you be making false promises to others? So, here's my challenge. 1) If you are making SIGNIFICANT income, say over $1,000.00 per month - would you please go tell Art how you're doing it? 2) If you are NOT making significant income and you are blasting out "make money" ads - do you have the guts to tell us why you're sending out misleading materials for programs that aren't making YOU any money?? I'd really like to understand, because I don't. I just don't. Maybe you can help. Linda P.S. Go ahead - rant. I did. lol
Re: This is the saddest thing - why do people do this?
6/3/2006 2:24:33 AM
Oooooooo Linda, I love this rant!!! Great points and well said with good examples. I will state that as for peddling affiliate programs I don't make alot. I make the most from Google Adsense and AdlandPro than any other affiliate program out there. My real source comes from owning my own programs and it takes alot of work. I have 2 partners and we all pull our load of duties. Most people do not set office hours and 'work'. Copy and paste a few ads, chat, send some recycled emails and there's the day. I know, I once was doing it. But I learned. And the biggest thing I learned was that you really need to invest into your business or it's not a business. Nothing from nothing is NOTHING! Thanks for the rant column and have a great weekend. __________ Kenneth R Sword Jr Co-CEO - Bizzy Blogz Sponsor of the ABA Basketball 'Streetball' group "Nothing But Net Entertainment" New! Bizzy Blogz Community - like MySpace An Advertising Traffic Machine
Re: This is the saddest thing - why do people do this?
6/3/2006 3:46:30 AM
Hi Linda, The only way I could help him is with the company I am working with I spoke with you in PM about the other. The problem there is we are not open in Spain. There is a company call Access America there a banner on that page. The problem there would be 1. the cost of their service. 2. We are talking about shipping products not mail. 3. The cost of join the company I am with. The up side is the product may help Art. At least have more engery and the b-3 b-12 C sure would not hurt his health either. I sure not rich yet, but I can tell you the product does work, the company pays like clock work. The checks cash. I do know we are to open 20 nations in the next 90 days or so but as far as which ones I dod not know that. I have people in Malaysia and New Zeland waiting. You can pass this on to him. He can check with the Mail forwarding company. But I do know when you shipping a really product there are custom issuse and national laws that come into play. I will keep my eyes open and if I hear any thing else I let you or Art know! God Bless Johnny
Dave Cottrell

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Re: This is the saddest thing - why do people do this?
6/3/2006 4:10:19 AM
Hi Linda, Thank you for saying what needed to be said about this! Ken has got it right, too. It takes work, time, money and effort to earn income. Period. Here's a snippet of what I posted on Art's thread: ======================================================== I cannot offer you what you're looking for, as the reality of it is that it takes a great deal of time, effort and/or money to make a realistic profit in business, online or off. I have yet to meet one person who has actually been able to honestly fulfill your request. ============================================================= That, Linda, is the absolute truth. I have not met even ONE person who can honestly state that they have done what Art would like to be able to do, nor have I met anyone who has made a fortune overnight, no matter HOW much money they have. You can't buy success, you can't force instant success, you can't visualize instant success and have it become reality, and above all, you can't guarantee success. I once built downline of 20,000 (and believe me - it was hard, consistent and persistent work) in an industry that was crying for the product we had, backed by a very large banking institution, with members in virtually every country of the world. My ten front line members, each one personally sponsored by me via phone calls around the world, consisted of some of the top network marketing earners in the world. What we had was that good. However, the company folded from their own previously hidden stupidity and greed, before paying out one cent in commissions. That was a close to being a guaranteed success as anyone will ever come, yet it still went south. Art says in his thread, ======================================================= PLEASE. If any of you has a programme that will enable me to see some return from effort with very little initial outlay and from which you have actually received a realistic income - I WOULD LOVE TO KNOW ABOUT IT. (As I am sure, will the rest of this great community of ours). ....I really need to make some money, fast! =========================================================== I would go so far to say, with a clear conscience and complete conviction, that anyone who tries to offer their program as a way to meet this request is either brand new in the industry and totally naive, or completely unscrupulous and a total knave! If you can start free in a good business (I suggested one on Art's thread, and can build it without spending any money (except for your own website, a MUST HAVE), you will STILL have to put in a lot of effort and time. There are no shortcuts. Yes, Linda, I guess you've probably figured it out by now... It REALLY bugs me, too. I've personally listened to hundreds of sad stories on the phone of people going broke trying to get ahead. Sadly, most of them could no longer afford to join me in my business, where I would have actually worked along side of them doing all I could to help them succeed. ...and the people who dragged them into the mess were mainly other broke people. Go figure... God bless, Dave
Re: This is the saddest thing - why do people do this?
6/3/2006 4:27:07 AM
Dear Linda, I did not see the post. I find that the biggest problem now is that when one does present an opportunity for no investment whatsoever - except for time and effort, no-one is interested. Let me pass on my own deal to anyone who might be interested in working with new Adult Education CD's - and if not then so be it. I have been working for three years now putting my previously personally delivered Marketing Seminars onto CD. I have now revised these upwards to include full narrations, which means on some CD's there are no less than 14 hours of tuition - and the actual true equivalent of 4-Days of live seminars. Currently I have four of these completed; Marketing Psychology Brand Management International Marketing Marketing for SME's Other shorter ones are in the pipeline and all details can be viewed on my website. The CD's sell for between $US25 - $45. I am looking for active sales partners in many regions and countries, and am currently working up deals with people in China, India (see - click on Training Associates) and also in Australia - Victoria and NSW. These partners are never asked to invest a single cent either now or when working with me. Returns? How about 50% of the gross? I supply a Sampler CD (free)for promotional use - and which can be copied as required - which is small cents, my partners get the orders and I fulfil the orders, On payment - I send on 50% to my partners. I am even prepared to put this round the other way - so my partners receive the cash and send on 50% to me. Yes - it is a new venture - but the products are tried and tested - and delivered across many countries. They are to MBA standard, and legitimate purchasers can even take an MBA level examination - also Free of Charge and get a Diploma. The average business Seminar in Europe costs around $1,000 per day. This is a 'Study at your own pace and in your own place' programme for around $10 per day - and the Customer gets to keep it forever. Anyone who wants to get involved, is welcome to contact me via this site or my website. Please do note however - this is NOT an MLM exercise and I do NOT WANT it to be an MLM or Networking project, so don't even think aout suggesting it. On my website you can also see my credentials and international press coverage. You can also see my book 'Fitting in the 4th P' on and others. This is a legitimate offer - with as I said at the outset - NO INVESTMENT AT ANY TIME - other than effort to create sales, which is entirely up to the Partner. How much can anyone make? I have no idea - there is no lowest limit neither is there any upper limit - depends on how much effort is put in. There it is folks - as straight as I can lay it out. If anyone is interested, then get in touch. Cheers, Norm
Norm Clark