
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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VIRUS Warning
5/20/2006 8:20:03 AM
Important Message from our friend, Danny Mills: I just received this. WARNING - WARNING - WARNING - WARNING! URGENT - HOAX WARNING FOR ALL MEMBERS Warning READ AS SOON AS POSSIBLE Get this sent around to your contacts ASAP...we don't need this spreading around..... PLEASE FORWARD THIS WARNING AMONG FRIENDS, FAMILY AND CONTACTS: You should be alert during the next days: Do not open any message with an attached filed called "Invitation" regardless of who sent it, It is a virus that opens an Olympic Torch which "burns" the whole hard disc C of your computer. This virus will be received from someone who has your e-mail address in his/her contact list, that is why you should send this e-mail to all your contacts. It is better to receive this message 25 times than to receive the virus and open it. If you receive a mail called "invitation", though sent by a friend,do not open it and shut down your computer immediately. This is the worst virus announced by CNN, it has been classified by Microsoft as the most destructive virus ever. This virus was discovered by McAfee yesterday, and there is no repair yet for this kind of virus. This virus simply destroys the Zero Sector of the Hard Disc, where the vital information is kept. SEND THIS E-MAIL TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW, COPY THIS E-MAIL AND SEND! IT TO YOUR FRIENDS AND REMEMBER: IF YOU SEND IT TO THEM, YOU WILL BENEFIT ALL OF US. Thought I would pass this on to my members. Would not want this to happen to you. your friend, Dan
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Re: VIRUS Warning
5/20/2006 9:37:00 AM
Below is what has to say about this Virus it has been around for a few years. When in doubt don't open any attachment. But you can check most out with your virus protection service or at Sandra Kaspar Origins: The classics never go away, it seems, so just in time for the 2006 Winter Olympics someone has dusted off an old virus warning hoax (most commonly seen in its incarnation as the "[Virtual] Card for You" hoax) and reintroduced it as an "Olympic Torch" virus warning (also known as the "Invitation virus"). The same basic hoax has been circulating in various languages since at least 2000, with occasional changes along the way. No such (incurable) virus exists, has been identified by McAfee, or was reported on by CNN.
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Re: VIRUS Warning
5/20/2006 9:37:02 AM
Below is what has to say about this Virus it has been around for a few years. When in doubt don't open any attachment. But you can check most out with your virus protection service or at Sandra Kaspar Origins: The classics never go away, it seems, so just in time for the 2006 Winter Olympics someone has dusted off an old virus warning hoax (most commonly seen in its incarnation as the "[Virtual] Card for You" hoax) and reintroduced it as an "Olympic Torch" virus warning (also known as the "Invitation virus"). The same basic hoax has been circulating in various languages since at least 2000, with occasional changes along the way. No such (incurable) virus exists, has been identified by McAfee, or was reported on by CNN.
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John Rivera

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Re: VIRUS Warning
5/20/2006 2:08:04 PM
I also have found out that we and others have been Hoaxed and this will continue to be the case with Oldies but goodies out there. I get messages whenever we need to be on the lookout from my virus company. Thanks for the heads up though. ==================================== Place a FREE AD on me: 10,500 Free HITS from this link: Massive Traffic for FREE FREE: Multiply Your Advertising Results By Thousands With Your Ad Listed On 5635+ Sites! Tons OF Traffic!
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Beth Schmillen

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Re: VIRUS Warning
5/20/2006 4:56:08 PM
thanks for posting that...It's always a good thing to never open any attachment from anywhere unless you know the person and they told you ahead of time they were sending the attachment!!! You can even set your mail applications to not allow attachments to be opened and then just go to webmail url for account and open there if you are certain it's ok to open!!! hope this helps! Beth
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