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Lisa Westberry

1972 Posts
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Re: The Weekly Spotlight
4/23/2006 5:37:02 PM
Hello Linda, There you are, LOL!! Great job sweetie. Congratulations!!!! Enjoy!! Your Friend,
Re: The Weekly Spotlight
4/23/2006 5:55:54 PM
Hi Linda Thanks for the invite. Will look at the forum asap. Your Friend Jackie
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Re: The Weekly Spotlight
4/23/2006 6:02:17 PM
Thanks Linda, Ihave been busy lately, no time to keep up with the forums. I just pop in here and there to respond to my emails. I have an ongoing business and yesterday I was invited to one of the most interesting business meeting with ACN. ACN is the world's largest direct seller of telecommunication services. This was a big launch with ACN getting an endorsement from Donald Trump. We knew that ACN is reputable, has integrity, and a good track record, now it has the Greatest Business Guru on it's side. Like hundred others I signed up to be a Telecom Rep for ACN yesterday. I will be busy making some real money. Anyone wanting to know more about this spectacular business opportunity, send me an email. I am still working on my website, but take a peak. Click on Learn More>>>
Bryan Mcheyzer

186 Posts
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Re: The Weekly Spotlight
4/23/2006 6:23:09 PM
G'day Linda, Thanks for the invite will go over and check it out asap. Have a good one. Bryan
Re: The Weekly Spotlight
4/23/2006 6:26:54 PM
Congratulations Linda! I loved your bio!! We have many things in common : ) Even one biz you have is similar to mine, the freestoreclub LOL Have a great week gal and enjoy the limelight!! Be blessed