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Dave Cottrell

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Re: Good, fast and cheap
4/14/2006 1:22:28 AM
Hi again, Linda, Speaking of REALLY BAD SITES - Kathy M is asking for a review for a friend at See how many mistakes you can find. ;) God bless, Dave
Re: Good, fast and cheap
4/16/2006 12:21:00 AM
China wholesaler, factory prices! We offer highest quality designer bags replica like Fendi, Chanel, Gucci, Hermes, Chloe , Louis vuitton, Marc Jacobs, balenciaga, Mulberry, Kooba, Bulga. Guaranteed to be of the best quality! No minimum order limit, wholesale and retail, accept dropshipping. We have enough stock and shipping within 1-2 days. Please visit our website to acquire more details.
Re: Good, fast and cheap
4/16/2006 6:27:10 AM
Looks like someone didn't read the part about posting irrelevant comments. Yes, you get what you pay for. I had a friend of mine who was going to buy a used computer, but I advised him it would be better to buy an up-to-date one. I haven't heard anymore about that cheapie he got.
Re: Good, fast and cheap
4/16/2006 8:59:26 PM
I am with you Walter. I just banned a guy from my forum for posting his totaly out of topic ads. Seems some people think that flooding all the forums with ads will get them business. This is a topic for "what not to do to win friends and make money".
Jenny SJ

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Re: Good, fast and cheap
4/18/2006 7:26:27 PM
Hi Linda, It is refreshing to read your comments. I've posted some similar comments on one of the forums about Marketing Tips,but I think it was probably the wrong forum! As you say, there are literally thousands of people out there overcharging or undercharging for Web pages and making fantastic promises,which nearly noone could keep. My experience is this - if you are on a limited budget, which most small businesses are, look around, ask your friends who do have pages. Ask to see other pages the Webdesigner has done and then check them for yourself on the various search engines with a sensible keyword and see if they appear. Make sure that their sites are easy to navigate. Basically, see if their other sites do what you would like yours to do. Beware of very cheap offers -are they legal, do you have any comeback if things go wrong? Do they have colleagues, or do they work alone -this matters when you have a deadline! And, do they understand what you want from your site -that it reflects YOUR product or service. You are the professional en YOUR business, not in web designing.They are the technical people and are paid to help you,not make you feel ignorant. Remember that it takes at least several months for a new site to get properly installed in a good search engine (like google or MSN or yahoo) - unless you have a popular product with NO competition - it is unlikely to happen overnight, unless you pay for a vast number of adverts. If you are told different IGNORE it and be realistic(How to get Top 10 Listings on all major Search Engines, Google, MSN etc. in only 10 days FREE!!!! - ever heard that one!) I've just finished my second Web site and am happy to say that i took my own advice:- I was fortunate to have a good Web designer recomended to me, but first I checked their other pages and they appeared to work and have good positions and I liked their designs. Then I checked the prices-not the very cheapest, but way below the silly prices some people are charging. They have been around for a while and offer a maintenance service too -so i wont get left in the lurch if something technical goes wrong. Before making a decision, we spoke for a while and I realised that my future Webmaster was very easy to communicate with. She understood that it is my business that I am promoting not her work - and that it is a big deal for me. She asked me a lot of questions to get the right FEEL to the page - and gave me good advice when I sent her text or ideas for items that she didnt think would work for me.,technically and from a marketing point of view. I think I've had a good job done and I haven't been ruined. Sorry for such a very long reply. But I wanted to share this with you people who are thinking of digging deep into your pockets and launching yourselves onto the Internet! Getting it right is good and getting it wrong is usually very very expensive. Jennifer .

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