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Trina Sonnenberg

784 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Something I really want to share with you! (no scam here)
3/19/2006 12:06:06 PM
Announcing the ultimate 'Business-In-A-Box' for cashing-in like never before... When I saw this, I thought of all of you. You see, Allyn Cutts, a friend of mine, has been an entrepreneur and very profitable business owner for 23+ yrs. Last year alone, Allyn had one partnership that generated over $1.97 million. So, you might want to read this and take a serious look it. You know, that once in-a-lifetime opportunity... The kind of opportunity that sells itself, has tremendous profits, makes clients happy, and can be run on full auto-pilot. And what if I told you that every business in North America is a prospect... Yeah, even you. Does that sound interesting?? If so, check it out... While these type businesses do exist, they are extremely rare, and most people never get to feel the thrill that comes from the tidal wave of responses this type of business generates. I often have people ask me what's the quickest and easiest way to get into a high-margin business and earn a lot of money. Until now, I had a hard time coming up with an answer except to say, 'Have the right product at the right time.' And even that answer wasn't really enough. Well, that was until now: See, these days, the definition of the right business is a lot different than it was just a few years ago. The market has changed, clients have changed, and even the methods of advertising and taking orders have changed. And the good news!... You see, getting into Allyn's multi-billion dollar industry is now easier than ever before. With all the exciting new methods of reaching clients (Internet, e-mail, fax, toll-free services, voice broadcast, direct mail), making real money in his business can be accomplished without ever leaving your desk! Look, ask anyone in business, that's making really good money, and they will tell you the same thing. (Yes, there are a lot of opportunities out there. But most are, at best, a waste of time.) Basically it boils down to this... [Use link to learn more] Do it now, this offer absolutely expires in just a few days! All the best, Trina L.C. Sonnenberg PS The doors to this offer will slam closed on March 24th. To learn exactly why...
Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Freelance Commercial Writer TLC Promotions & The Trii-Zine Ezine ISSN 1555-2276
Dawn Cooke

224 Posts
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Re: Something I really want to share with you! (no scam here)
3/19/2006 5:13:33 PM
Hi Trina, I will look into this. Smiles Dawn Cooke
Organic, and toxic free products! Get to Know Me Better
Re: Something I really want to share with you! (no scam here)
3/20/2006 12:33:51 AM
. Thank you Trina - looks very interesting to me. I will check it out. -