
Trina Sonnenberg

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My Home Based Business
3/10/2006 7:46:52 PM
I am a Marketing Director with Melaleuca Inc., The Wellness Company. I have been a Melaleuca Preferred Customer since 2001, and I love it! The following is a letter that I send to my new members, and it explains why I am a loyal-to-the-bone customer. But first, I will tell you why I choose to build a business with Melaleuca. Building a Melaleuca business just makes sense. I get paid to shop and refer new customers. I don't sell products ever! I am getting paid to do something I HAVE TO DO ANYWAY, go shopping for my family. I just changed stores. Rather than giving Walmart all my money, and getting nothing out of it but long lines, and crowed aisles, I shop at Melaleuca, from the comfort of home, and get my products sent to my door. Plus, they give me 10% of every dollar I spend right back to me. No other shopping center has every paid me to shop their store, but Melaleuca does! I earn commissions based on the purchases of the new members I enroll as customers. I introduce people to Melaleuca, enroll them as Preferred Customers, and help them set up their shopping accounts. When they go shopping, either online or by phone, I get paid. Melaleuca has been paying me for the last five years. Now, here's why I am a customer. By now you know the importance of focusing on the, "Why" you are building a home business for yourself. This is your motivation to succeed with your business, to work it and make it work for you. You also know that money is not a real answer to, "Why" you want this business. The real answer lies in what the money can do for you. Money is not a goal, but building a home, now that is a goal; one that requires money. Retiring, is a goal. Again, one that requires money. Equally important though, is, "Why am I a Preferred Customer?" There are a million business opportunities out there. So, the business here is only a surface answer to the question. I'd like to share with you, the reason I am a Melaleuca Preferred Customer, not why I am building a business. I believe in the products. I know that using Melaleuca's products in my home is the right thing to do. Right for my family, right for the enrvironment, right for my budget, and right for my schedule. I have converted my whole home to Melaleuca products because I believe in them. They do the job and they do it without poisoning me or my family. My home is cleaner than it ever was, without smelling like an indoor swimming pool. My clothes are cleaner, and my grass grows greener too, now that I run my chemical free, wash water out on my lawn. (The best grass in my yard is the spot watered by my washing machine.) I know that since I started using Melaleuca products, my kids and I don't require our asthma inhalers. I know that since taking Melaleuca vitamins, my youngest child has begun to do better in school. He can now sit still for more than 5 minutes. And Melaleuca oil has saved me more than one trip to the emergency room following, a wasp sting. (I am very allergic to wasps.) My husband spent 6 months fighting pneumonia and the resulting pleursy. He started taking the Daily 4 Life Pack; he started getting well, and he has not been sick a day since his recovery. That was a year ago. I am a Preferred Customer because I believe in the products. I shop Melaleuca, month in and month out, and you know what...? I don't count product points when I shop. That's right. I make out my shopping list, everything I need, and I sit down at my computer and shop Melaleuca! When I am through, the only things left on my shopping list are paper products and food. I buy only what I need. Some months I purchase as few as 90 product points worth of items, and other months I shop well over 200. I save time and money shopping from home, and I provide my family with the best products that money can buy. Anyone who counts product points while preparing their order, is still buying store brand products. If this sounds like you, think about this... Why spend the time buying certain items at Walmart, others at the grocery store, or drug store, and the rest at Melaleuca? Why not get it all at the same place? Why continue to bring harmful products into your home, when you have a safer alternative at your finger tips? Why shop a store that gives you nothing but checkout lines in return? Finally, why leave home to shop when you don't have to? Melaleuca is more than a shopping center, it is a healthier way of life. I am not a Melaleuca member so I can build a business. I am a Preferred Customer that chooses to build a business because I believe in the products, the company and the benefits that come along with membership. To me, building a business is an option. Making sure that I am doing the very best for my family, my home and my environment, is not. I am a customer first, a business owner second. Next time you're going through the catelogue, instead of just, "placing and order," go shopping. Convert your home to Melaleuca products. Because it is the right thing to do. Have an awesome weekend! Until Next Time... (Melaleuca Just Makes Sense!). Trina If you don't think that Melaleuca has enough products for you to be able to shop there each and every month, just go check out the corporate web site: Stop by my own web site and be sure to click on the ALTERNATIVE tab. When you decide that you want to start using safer, non-toxic products in your home, call me, and I will share with you the opportunity of a lifetime, and show you how to shop at Melaleuca. 1-970-864-7799 7:30 AM - 8:00 PM Mountain Standard Time
Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Freelance Commercial Writer TLC Promotions & The Trii-Zine Ezine ISSN 1555-2276
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Re: My Home Based Business
3/10/2006 8:30:33 PM
Hi Trina, I also am a Melalueca user! I love the products. Your involvement proves you care about your health and the health of your family. My daughter in law got us in last year, but I do not work the company, I just use the products. I am currently involved with 3 companies. After six years of trial and error I have finally found the right combinations! However, we all know that multiple lines of residual income is the best way to secure our futures. For that reason I will gladly check out your offer and give you my honest opinion. May I first say that thanks to the internet I am debt free! No mortgage, no car payments, no credit card debt! I was forced into a BK just 3 years ago. Now my home is valued at $288,000. I have 2 new cars and all new furniture. I am a full time networker and a part time Baptist minister. God has truely blessed me and the things I am involved in. GDI is one thing that has been OK for me. The website helps me promote my other programs and makes me a little money. I am with Coastal Vacations. Great business if you can afford the initial investment. Plus I can give away cruises and resort vacations as bonuses to those who build my other business with me! My main income is from Himalayan Goji Juice. If you have not seen this or tried this product you have no idea what you are missing! History shows this company to have a 400% better success rate than any other network company! The product (Goji Juice) is the only nutritional product on the net that has 9 years of research and documented evidence to back up its claims to its health giving, life giving benefits! I love the Melalueca products, but the nutrtional products do not even come close to Goji Juice! Try it, you'll see for yourself, and you can develope another stream of income! Check this out. I will pay your start up fee, give you 500 leads to get started AND give you a cruise when you get your first three people enrolled! PLUS, you get a 90 day empty bottle money back guarantee from the company! You have nothing to lose - only great health and future wealth to gain. Go to Get a free book to so you can learn about his amazing product! If you saw the Fountain of Youth, would you stop to take a drink? Nows your chance! I look forward to your feedback. Many Blessings, Dave Rydell
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Trina Sonnenberg

784 Posts
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Re: My Home Based Business
3/11/2006 9:29:10 AM
Hi Dave! I'm glad to hear you are a Mela Head like me. LOL You just can't beat the products. If you ever decide to build a business with it, get in touch with your daughter-in-law. You know, I tried Goji Juice once, and I am sad to say that I broke out in hives from it. It tasted good, and I was very disappointed that I couldn't use it. I'm not sure what it is that I seem to be allergic to, but I didn't have a good time with those hives. It seems to me that the older I get, the more sensitive I have become to some things. For example, I have three apple trees in my yard, and every year we pick them, so I can prepare them and freeze them. But for some reason, I cannot eat these apples unless they've been cooked first. If I eat one raw, I get hives. If I make them into applesauce, I have no problems. Wierd. BTW... Melaleuca bath oil is a great way to survive hives. Soak in a bath with Melaleuca bath oil, and the itching goes away pretty quickly. It works way better than Benadryl. Congrats on becoming debt free! I'll get there eventually. We've had some personal set backs in recent years, and we are now building a second home, in an attempt to escape evil neighbors, but we'll get to the debt free point, I have no doubt. Keep in touch, Trina
Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Freelance Commercial Writer TLC Promotions & The Trii-Zine Ezine ISSN 1555-2276
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Re: My Home Based Business
3/12/2006 8:40:23 AM
Hi Trina, I am with Mom Execs and we partner with Melaleuca as well! I also am a loyal customer and will never, ever, go back to using the "other" products. I seen the results with their products as soon as my daughter's eczema of almost 11 years disappeared when she switched to the Renew Lotion....LOVE IT! It is amazing how finally a company that says something REALLY means what they are all about. Thanks for a great post! Lisa
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Re: My Home Based Business
3/12/2006 8:40:47 AM
Hi Trina, I am with Mom Execs and we partner with Melaleuca as well! I also am a loyal customer and will never, ever, go back to using the "other" products. I seen the results with their products as soon as my daughter's eczema of almost 11 years disappeared when she switched to the Renew Lotion....LOVE IT! It is amazing how finally a company that says something REALLY means what they are all about. Thanks for a great post! Lisa
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