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This time, I'm saying it. I TOLD YOU SO!!
2/28/2006 12:31:57 PM
Hi: SEC Halts "Paid Autosurf" Internet Ponzi Scheme that Raised Over $50 Million from 300,000 Investors Worldwide FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Washington D.C., Feb.27, 2006 - The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced the filing of securities fraud charges against the operators of, a "paid autosurf program" that in fact was a massive Ponzi scheme... [read it here] This one time, I'm going to say it... I TOLD YOU SO! On November 9 last year, I started a thread on autosurf and said it looked like a ponzi to me... those 22 pages got rather heated. [ the thread is here ] I have been slammed, bashed, criticized and had my posts deleted (from other forums) for my comments on autosurf. As always, the truth prevails. It sometimes takes time, but truth always wins. Always! I already know that the 3 worst offenders (they know who they are) don't have the parts to come apologize publicly. For everyone else that got sucked in by a friend, you need to realize that there are only so many ways to make money legally and honestly. They are; 1) Marry it 2) Inherit it 3) Win a lottery 4) Get a job 5) Start a business Time is the only commodity you can NOT replace once you've spent it. I hope a few of our fellow members are sick of wasting it. Maybe NOW we can start to clean up Adland. Pardon me for being blunt, but there's been FAR, FAR too much of that sort of garbage around here. If you are sick to death of "click it rich" schemes that don't work and want to start your own business but don't know how, let me know. That's what I'm here for. I'll tell you how to get started. For real. No pipedreams and no baloney. And I won't mince words. I don't waste people's time. Not yours and not mine. : ) Linda
Re: This time, I'm saying it. I TOLD YOU SO!!
2/28/2006 12:40:15 PM
Well, well, well, and I am not referring to three holes in ground. I was slammed along with Linda in regards to some of my postings about this and the most recent one was only last week. I agree that that the "offenders" being referrred to here do not have what it takes to publicly admit the error of their ways. One of them might, but I guess we will have to wait and see. So far as maybe now we can start to clean up Adland in regards to the trash some people are pimping here, I won't hold my breath on that one, life is just two short. As always, The not so politically correct, Peter G.
Winston Scoville

536 Posts
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Re: This time, I'm saying it. I TOLD YOU SO!!
2/28/2006 1:08:32 PM
This was a rather heated topic wasn't it? Oh well! Perhaps when the day that common sense prevails people will start listening! LOL
Mark Hodgetts

71 Posts
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Re: This time, I'm saying it. I TOLD YOU SO!!
2/28/2006 1:30:06 PM
What can I say? I feel terribly sorry for a number of people who will be badly hurt by these developments. It had to happen. The trouble is one of the great motivating factors in human nature is herd mentality. Regrettably that wish to "not get left out" is overly compelling for too many people. The dream of instant wealth tends to cloud people's judgement. We all know that a number of people hurt by this will get sucked in to the next "BIG THING" Keep away from anything that says they'll do all the work for you, Doublers, Triplers, Cyclers, HYIP & anything like Adsense exchange not to mention most MLM type products. There's one lady I feel particularly sorry for. She advocated this so strongly and I believe sincerely that it will devastate her. I don't take any comfort in knowing that at all.
Mark Hodgetts

71 Posts
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Re: This time, I'm saying it. I TOLD YOU SO!!
2/28/2006 1:30:45 PM
What can I say? I feel terribly sorry for a number of people who will be badly hurt by these developments. It had to happen. The trouble is one of the great motivating factors in human nature is herd mentality. Regrettably that wish to "not get left out" is overly compelling for too many people. The dream of instant wealth tends to cloud people's judgement. We all know that a number of people hurt by this will get sucked in to the next "BIG THING" Keep away from anything that says they'll do all the work for you, Doublers, Triplers, Cyclers, HYIP & anything like Adsense exchange not to mention most MLM type products. There's one lady I feel particularly sorry for. She advocated this so strongly and I believe sincerely that it will devastate her. I don't take any comfort in knowing that at all.

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