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Creative Writing
11/14/2017 10:14:56 PM

Creative Thinking Leads to Creative Writing

Writing has been a passion, a pursuit, a love and a profession for many years. I knew from a very early age that someday, and in some way, I would become an accomplished author. I had no idea when or what that would entail, I just knew that it would come to pass. The years drifted on, and in that process of living, being in love and raising a family, the pursuit of writing fell by the wayside. There would be special times when picking up pen and paper (then) would lead to the progression of creative writing, but by and large, my writing was negligible.

Enter 2004 and the World Wide Web!

I was a late bloomer with the web. I had never sat in front of a computer one time in my life before 2004. The first computer I purchased was a Gateway. I hooked it up and found that it was a completely different world that I had known before. Working with my hands as a welder, fabricator, builder, engineer and manufacturer most of my life led me to know very little about the digital world at all.

With a not so clear vision of what would come to pass I began writing Ebay ads. If found that my writing seemed to be taking off well, and I was making money with Ebay; however, I still knew nothing of the web. I was only selling welding supplies and equipment, and doing quite well by the way, with my writing. I did so well with that, I decided to sell out my welding business, and go full time on the web. My 95 year old Mom at the time, was set totally against it. She claimed, "the Internet is a very evil place." Little did I know how right she was!

To be continued later...

Butch Hamilton-Writer for Hire
Writing Service!

Wildcat SEO Service
RE: Creative Writing
11/14/2017 10:17:20 PM
This will be an ongoing story through the weeks and months to come. Thanks for reading!
Wildcat SEO Service
Diane Bjorling

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RE: Creative Writing
11/15/2017 1:22:51 AM
Hey Butch... great beginning of a forum and Im glad to be here.

Would you believe that before 2005 the only way I would know a computer was through my daughters and boy did I ever make a lot of mistakes in the beginning...big time!!
I decided to delve into the age of virtuality and learn all I could about how to use a computer and more important, to find out what I could really use it for.

It is a never ending quest because so many things change and yet the basics are always there.

I guess us late bloomers will show these "younglings" a thing or two.. :-)

While I do enjoy writing ( or I will again when I can focus a bit better) I absolutely love playing with images.

Funny how that one piece of real estate is so popular and can also be SEO friendly... the thing we learn!

RE: Creative Writing
11/15/2017 1:38:23 AM
So good to have you onboard here! Indeed, we have a lot to offer IF we can grab the attention of these new guys. It has to be something quite spectacular to drive them to us. I am going to be writing about the whole aspect of marketing and building on the Internet, as it pertains directly to the art form of creative writing.

I am looking forward to seeing your information here too!
Wildcat SEO Service
RE: Creative Writing
11/15/2017 1:40:37 AM
I am going to be writing about my big time mistakes along the way as well. This should be a great experience!
Wildcat SEO Service