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Cheri Merz

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Re: Cheri, Deb, Winston, Martha and Kathy - thread #2
2/28/2006 12:45:30 AM
Linda, ============================================ This stuff fascinates me. ============================================ Me, too. That must be our common ground. Reaching back more than eight years for that information, I came up at a loss to explain it, plus I didn't want anyone to try to classify themselves based on my surface explanation. Fortunately, there is a website with more info...I'll bet you could get more out of that than anything more I can tell you. Here's the link: From your description of the giant jigsaw puzzle, I'd say that one of your orientations is physical. You must understand that everyone has all three aspects, but that some have more balance in the relationship between them. Though I'm Physical/Mental, I routinely cry over movies, Reader's Digest stories and spilt milk. The only Mental/Mental I ever knew was also deeply emotional--about her own family--but absolutely uncaring about anyone else. It was as if she had her own moral code that she absolutely adhered to, but it didn't include compassion. Oddly, she never struck me as brilliantly intellectual, which the description would lead you to think. I don't think it has anything at all to do with personality or intellect. The fact that you scored balanced as to left/right brain also leads me to believe you have a balanced cognitive style. I'm so far off the charts on the left that they want to put my picture in the dictionary for it. Strangely enough, I majored in English rather than something you might expect, like engineering or accounting. Maybe it was my generation, or the fact that I see numbers in a consistent pattern that's sort of reminiscent of a double helix (in that spatially it's three dimensional), rather than neatly ranked. Never could do math until they invented calculators, lol. Maybe because the Mental part is more interested in ideas than in hard facts. I think that may be why the whole Law of Attraction/Quantum Physics subject matter resonates so strongly with me. Go visit the website, and see what you can come up with. Cheri
Cheri Merz

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Re: Cheri, Deb, Winston, Martha and Kathy - thread #2
2/28/2006 12:51:20 AM
Linda, Just took a look at that website myself, and now I'm seeing personality dynamics all over it. Must get out my book and see if my understanding of it was faulty in the first place or if they've updated the study terminology in all these years since I read it. Cheri
Re: Cheri, Deb, Winston, Martha and Kathy - thread #2
2/28/2006 1:24:15 AM
Hi: Interesting. Here's the top 5 in western culture. Emotional-Subjective 60% Emotional-Mental 25% Mentally Centered 5% Physical-Mental 5% Physical-Emotional 5% (* see below) The last listed one, physical/emotional, according to their site, is the type that many people who are diagnosed with "A.D.D." seem to fall into. They talked about a little girl who doctors though had something wrong with her eyes because she could see 3-dimensionally??? I was thinking, doesn't everyone??? They talked about being able to look at a 2-D figure and see it in 3D, and that people of this 'type' have excellent spatial skills. Interesting. That's definitely me. lol Unfortunately, that's the only type they described in any detail. Couldn't help noticing that their website could sure use some work. lol. Interesting stuff, though. : ) Linda
Winston Scoville

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Re: Cheri, Deb, Winston, Martha and Kathy - thread #2
2/28/2006 4:24:34 AM
#1 I don't know if it would make that much difference at this point which comes first. At least not until we actually start to build a webpage. At this point from my perspective what we are doing is bascially information gathering. So regardless of which order it comes in, when it comes time to build the pages we'll have both materials in our hand to refer to. #2 I think inserting a new unit on what to sell would be good.
Winston Scoville

536 Posts
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Re: Cheri, Deb, Winston, Martha and Kathy - thread #2
2/28/2006 4:25:52 AM
#1 I don't know if it would make that much difference at this point which comes first. At least not until we actually start to build a webpage. At this point from my perspective what we are doing is bascially information gathering. So regardless of which order it comes in, when it comes time to build the pages we'll have both materials in our hand to refer to. #2 I think inserting a new unit on what to sell would be good. Not only what to sell but also some ideas on where to source things.

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