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Winston Scoville

536 Posts
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Re: Cheri, Deb, Winston, Martha and Kathy - thread #2
2/26/2006 6:44:31 PM
Linda, Are we getting close to receiving the next exercise? I was just wondering because I have to do some time management planning here as I'm going to take a couple of weeks vacation here in the near future. I'm off to the ROCK to do some research (Oh! That's the province of Newfoundland for those not familiar with what we call it here in Canada). :-) Let me see.... - George Street has 28 Bars/Pubs - They are spread out over a 1000 Foot long street. - During festivals and such 60,000 people will be in and out of George Street on any given day. - If I start at the first bar and have a drink at each one along the street . . . how far will I make it?????? :-)
Cheri Merz

1258 Posts
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Re: Cheri, Deb, Winston, Martha and Kathy - thread #2
2/26/2006 8:00:09 PM
Winston, Probably depends on how well you pace yourself, lol. Cheri
Re: Cheri, Deb, Winston, Martha and Kathy - thread #2
2/26/2006 8:08:17 PM
Hi Winston; ====================================== Are we getting close to receiving the next exercise? ====================================== How funny. I emailed it to you and then got this post notice. lol : ) Linda
Winston Scoville

536 Posts
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Re: Cheri, Deb, Winston, Martha and Kathy - thread #2
2/26/2006 8:27:44 PM
Awesome! Thanks Linda. -- ======================== Probably depends on how well you pace yourself, lol. ======================== One foot after the other! Hopefully! :-)
Cheri Merz

1258 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: Cheri, Deb, Winston, Martha and Kathy - thread #2
2/26/2006 11:27:39 PM
Linda, More! More! This is fascinating stuff, and I can't wait for the next installment. Have a couple of questions: 1) When I used the MarketLeap tool, I found a surprising number of linkbacks for the Yahoo/Fast/AltaVista category. Clicking on the number took me to a list, which to my embarrasment included a number of very silly posts I've made in Larry Anderson's Weird Facts forum. Should we be watching every word we post? I would hate to have to leave a friend's forum or abruptly stop posting. On the other hand, I don't want to be judged by what I post there--it's just a bit of comic relief. What's your take on that? While we're on the subject, why do you suppose that out of my 800 some-odd posts, only about 100 show up, and come to think about it, why would they show up at all, when my URL isn't in any of them (yet)? 2) As your test group, I'm assuming you'd value having us as unofficial proofreaders, too. How would you like to receive the information? What's the easiest way to help you find what we're talking about? Cheri PS, also had a look at my source code. You write that stuff by hand???!!! Wow, you must type even faster than I read, lol.

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