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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
4/7/2018 10:00:46 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6284 When Truth Alone Is, April 7, 2018

God said:

Beloved, My Beloved, do not honor force. Never do I honor meanness and cruelty and under the guise that they are worthy. Meanness means smallness. Why would goodness and mercy be sought after in the world you live in unless there were cruelty to counteract?

Without force, there would be no insisted-upon abdication from what another person happens to believe.

Another's Truth would be freely allowed to be his Truth or as long as it feels right to him. No one's Truth would be besmirched. Everyone would merit all-merciful freedom to see as he sees and embrace the peace from which he wishes to grow regardless of what any other thinks one way or another. I state firmly that I am not in favor of force to any degree in the guise of virtue. Of course, I gave Free Will, and I gave and still give it to all. And what I give is not to be stepped on. Let there be love. Love and freedom go hand in hand. No one is to forbid another to see as he sees.

Of what valor is it to a conqueror to force another into submission from threat of cruelty by death or pain? By what right would anyone exercise such a one-sworded threat over another to avow falsely as to his Truth when it is not?

No matter how strongly a conqueror may believe in what he sees as Truth, he has no divine right to enact capitulation from anyone to adopt the conqueror's Truth as his own. A conqueror's Truth doesn't have to be sacred to anyone else who sees differently. One who gives false testimony with his fingers crossed behind his back is not giving a testament to Truth. Truth is Free Willed.

There is no Beauty in forcing another to tell a lie no matter how fervently he may say it under threat of death or exclusion. This is not Truth-giving by any definition. Freedom is be bestowed upon all. Force comes from weakness.

No one is to assign Truth in My Name. I desire to be chosen freely or not at all.

What a world We share when Truth alone is, and no one is forced into recanting what is true to his own Heart. Let all hearts flap their own wings. Truth is Truth, or it is not. False testament sworn as Truth is false. Faith is not obdurate. Faith sworn to with fingers crossed is not Faith. Faith comes of its own Will gladly or it is a charade.

No one has the right to decree what another is to believe or not believe.

Arrogance and competitiveness arise from a weakness to maintain a front of being high and mighty. Faith is not half-hearted Faith. Let everyone on Earth be free to bow down or not. No Heart belongs to any other. This is not My Way. Let everyone be free to choose as his Heart tells him. Faithless Faith isn't Faith. In fact, it doesn't have a leg to stand on. True Faith does not have to be begged for nor stolen nor mandated. In any case, mandated Faith isn't Faith. Let everyone come to his Faith in God according to his own Heart, for this is how I wish to be received.

Would you expect otherwise from Me? After all, what is the meaning of Room at the Inn? No one is forced in, and no one is kept out.

Love is a gathering of all Souls. All are welcome to My Love by dint of Free Will. There is no other kind of Will in My Orchard. There is no basis upon which legislating Faith can be called sacred. Faith is not counted by numbers. Faith goes far deeper than a vote.

If someone chooses to believe that the world is flat or round or square, on what grounds would I demand fealty? No, I do not interfere, nor, upon My Word, are you to interfere, most assuredly not in My Name. Let us bless Truth in the Highest.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
4/8/2018 4:08:28 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6285 Entwined We Are, April 8, 2018

God said:

To you, I give thanks. I give thanks to you from the bottom of My Heart. Beloved, always know with assurance how much you mean to Me and all the Waves and Waves of Love just the thought of you gives to me. I know your love. I feel it. Do you feel My love, too, as it radiates through you?

Every night I put you to sleep. Every morning, I wake you up. Do you feel My Presence in your life? Be sure to know that I am attentive to you. I do not ask you to sacrifice. I do not believe in sacrifice. I believe in Joy. I ask you to enjoy. Joy isn't a sacrifice. Definitely, stay away from sacrifice. I don't want it. I seek your Joy. I want nothing less than your Joy.

If giving and receiving Joy isn't Joy for you, don't do it. Believe Me, in every which way, you fill Me with Joy. It is My Joy to attend to you. Our commingled Love makes the world go round. We ride the Merry-Go-Round together. Our Hearts are engendered.

Every day I bless myself that you exist in the Heavenly Realm of Love. Every day I am grateful for your embrace. Every day when I think of you, I feel as you do when Roses in your Garden are about ready to burst forth into bloom. I do feel a sort of parenthood. You are My flowers ready to blossom. I can hardly wait.

You are like bulbs in Springtime, chomping at the bit, suddenly ready to burst through the soil.

Your iris and daffodils have no plaints about the snow or that their feet feet are cold. What do all the flowers do always from the bottom of their hearts when they are ready to bloom?

They bend to the Sun. In Our case, I am the Sun. Give Me your eyes and bless Me to your love which is Our Love. How entwined We are. Who is Who and Which is Which? We do not have to differentiate. We are One Embrace forever spinning around the Earth. We don't have to splatter-dash as we go around the Universe. All We have to do is to BE. We forever ARE One on One.

Nourish Me, will you? I ask for no special favor. I ask to embrace you, My One Child.

We meet every day. We meet every morning, noon, and night. My eyes and Heart light up when you enter My heart. You grace Me with the Light your eyes cast on Me.

I boldly say that you are My Sunshine. You are the Sun in My eyes reflected back to Me. Tell Me that you know that you are My thank-you to Myself. Never do I forfeit My Self. You enrich Me. You enrich My Heart. You are My Heart's Journey. You are My Praise to My Self. You may say: "God be praised." I say to you, My One Child: "May you be praised. Be sure to know that I praise you to the High Heavens. Hallowed be thou."

The Sun rises in the morning for you. The Stars come out at night for you. We, you and I, are a Circle of Light lighting up the world who always seeks more Light to give - Our cups runneth over. How much Light can the One Heart of Ours contain? How can Our One Heart hold so much bounteous love and not give it away?

If you wish to serve Me, serve a handful of Light from Me to all whose paths cross yours. We are all on the same path, and We all walk together. Do you feel the array of Beauty that We assemble, and how We meet in gratitude for Our Acquaintance just the way the Sun shines. Hallowed be Our One Name, for it is the Name We share.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
4/12/2018 11:34:18 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6286 Dream the Dream, April 12, 2018

God said:

Beloved Beloved, where did you get the idea that life is supposed to be all cookies and milk served to you as you recline cozily in bed and sip your morning tea before you begin this day before you?

You know, life is a mixed bag. Life is coming to you in every moment. Dreams do come true, yet dreams are not obligated to come true in the moment you say the exact way you say. Anticipate that all your dreams will come true, yet allow the freedom for your dreams not to have to come true so quickly or just so. Go ahead, it's okay to wish a while. Grant your dreams free passage. Dreams are free spirits. Dreams are not: "Sign on the line" sorts of left brain thinking. You can request all your dreams to come true, yet dreams are not beer on tap, now are they?

Dreams, by their divine nature, are not iron-clad contracts - even as they already are some kind of contract, you might not have the thought of them ahead of time as you do. Dreams are forward mentions of themselves, as yet, sans commitment. A dream of itself may want to dream on and consider more possibilities to come.

Dreams are rather like hippies who like to go this way and or that in the moment according to how they feel. You can't quite pin your dreams down, or they wouldn't be dreams. So, I tell you to dream, anticipate your dreams' coming true before your very eyes, yet not feel let down when a dream has not yet fully filled your heart. Dreams can always come true. Anticipate and wait. There is no cut-off date for dreams to come true at the instant you would like your dream to arise for public consumption until it is good and ready.

In one sense, We can say that a dream comes true the moment you dream of it. Let's say that when you dream your dream of a beautiful light blue ball gown with rhinestones, and you feel yourself swinging and swaying in your beautiful dream, you already are wearing the ballgown.

Sooner or later, an invitation to a real-live ball will arrive, and a gentleman in a tux with a supermarket bouquet of flowers will appear at your elbow and a golden VW will await you on the curb around the corner. Then you can breathe, and then you can go on to the next dream and the next.

You are free to dream whatever you wish and whenever you wish.

Cinderella dreamed of a Prince and probably a Fairy Godmother before the carriage appeared to take her to the ball.

Your dreaming the dream means you are well-disposed for the dream to come true. You are ripe for the dream. It is already yours. It may take a while before your dream enters center-stage.

Dreams are not yet facts. Dreams are clearly not racing horses who are to be whipped in order to speed up the process - perish the thought. Dreams are entitled to stay dreams for as long as they want to be dreamy-eyed. Dreams are free to take their own sweet time. This is the nature of dreams. Dreams do not usually fulfill themselves in one sitting.

Enjoy the dreaming of your dream. If you dream of a chocolate bar, there is no law that says you must pull off the foil wrapper and eat up the chocolate right away. Dreams don't have to be eaten on the go. Let dreams sit for a while. Savor the thought of your dreams for a while longer.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
4/13/2018 1:32:45 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6287 The Silent Music of Godwriting, April 13, 2018

God said:

There are many ways of looking at the highly personal Silent Process of Godwriting.

You can think of Godwriting as listening to bird song early in the morning or at night fall. The tune the birds sing is easy to pick up. The birds sing alike. Yet, you, the listeners at dawn or dusk, may pick up slightly different versions of lyrics according to your moment of Soul Listening. What can the lyrics be? Here come the lyrics! They accompany the sweet simple song. They come in varying colors and tones of each Godwriter. There is no standard of correctness. There is only what comes. It comes as it comes, as if from different yet companionable musical instruments that resonate like the varying colors of the rainbow.

Godwriting is more like composing music in the sense that it comes to you, and then the lyrics come along as they come. You are someone writing down what comes to you. This is what you do. This is your light typing. This is your best without having to be what the world calls best. It isn't your best at all. Bestness is not even a consideration. You are by no means trying to do your best Godwriting. It isn't your Godwriting in the first place. It is more like you are playing an old forgotten tune on the typewriter keys you touch so lightly.

You're not in a trance, yet it can be stated that you are entranced by the music and the pursuant words that seem to arise from your simply being present, as if the lyrics rise up from the mist or from a long unused hollow in your throat. You are clearing your throat, so to speak. Ahem. Something overwhelming and understated seems to arise.

Or, you are a buyer of fine silk. You walk by reams of silk. Your eyes gaze at the shades of colors. Your fingertips lightly feel the subtlety of the silk. Your fingertips favor the softness here and there. It is as if your fingertips make the appraisal of the silk and which reams you will purchase. Something so fine that you have never touched before quells your heart. It is almost a non-thought, for you are not thinking. It is more like a faint remembrance that announces itself so quietly, almost as if you are not present with Me at all. It is so far away the song you almost hear. Your fingers choose. The choice you make isn't exactly your choice at all. Your choice just arises, your hearing comes from the far distance yet so close as your heart. You welcome the waves of wonderfulness. The waves waft as it were. You pick up the words as your arms are upwardly extended as you ascend. You are not conscious of ascending. You are not running after it.

Now, when you finish a particular interlude of Godwriting, it's not that you descend, yet you do level-off. Of course, you just slid down the ladder from a barely recognized re-creation room. We could call it a revitalizing room, a recognized room, a room for a silent tune-up, a room you wish you could recognizably stay in forever without cease.

You may whisper: "God, may I stay here forever and anon?"

I place My right palm gently on the top of your head. I say: "The piano that plays is always playing. You are listening to one of those roller-pianos of old. It is always on in the background."

Despite all the lures of the world, there may be no place you would rather be than in the re-creation room with Me. You are where judgment does not enter and where you want to be where music is clearly playing in the background to the beat of your heart, your beautiful heart.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
4/14/2018 4:32:29 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6288 This, Just This, Happiness, April 14, 2018

God said:

Happy Days are here again! Hum this song, and see how you feel. The sky's the limit. In fact, not even the sky has a limit. There is no ceiling on the sky.

Why not Happy Days? Where is it written that life is ever to be less than happy? Nonsense.

Not to be nostalgic, Beloved, yet today is a one-time offer and will not come again. This is just one aspect from which to look at Today.

Today is an occasion. It is an occasion for happiness. There are no limits on how happy you can be. Take My Hand. Accompany Me to where all the happiness in the world lies. Here is happiness right smack in front of you where I AM! Here is the door to open. See the hand-painted sign tacked on the door. Here, the sign says Happiness. I painted the sign My Self. I also painted your name on it in Golden Letters. Isn't this enough to make you happy today?

This is a personal invitation from Me to you. Come right up. Come right here in front of Me.

Happiness for you could be reading a good book. Happiness could be taking your children to the zoo. Happiness could be another day named Happiness tomorrow. Be your own Well-Wisher. Get a good start.

Of course, happiness doesn't have to come from what you do. Anything less than happiness isn't your True State. There is a vibration within you that echoes happiness. Let's call happiness your DNA as happy as can be today. This is your happy hopping DNA today, enlivened with a thousand blessings from God. Here I am. Come here. Take your rightful place by the sign that says Happiness Today, and enter Eternity.

Here's something to consider. There is also the concept that there is only one day that exists in Truth, and it is this One Today spreading out its wings before you ready to take flight with you.

Of course, in Our minds, there is the Rising Sun and the Setting Sun, this one Sun that brings you Light and Love. Okay, then, in Truth, there is only Today. This is the only day ever, and it is the Best Day ever, this one day before you. This is it, even as you may have a sense of déjà vu.

Of course, there is also the theory of time that time does not exist whatsoever. We can adapt Our theory to look like One Continuous Day that strolls along. This Today is here for you right now. If time is not, it must also mean then that time doesn't shift. There can be Light Day and Night. Why not? What cannot be?

You, a Soul, are born to Earth where Life is like a marvelous fruit bowl in front of you.

You are born to Earth to do somersaults so your Heart soars.

3 cheers for the world, I say. 3 cheers for you. Hurrah! Hurrah! There is no last Hurrah. There is no first Hurrah. The whole Universe is made of Hurrahs all at once. There is nothing else that exists but Hurrahs and Upsidaisy!

There are no humps to get over. There are no traffic jams. There is no stress or strain. There are safe passages. Angels abound and lead the way over hill and dale. Smiles and laughter abound. Love is seen and heard. You see yourself mirrored in everything you look at, and you look good. I relish the joy I see in your face, joy that sings Hallelujah in honor of life. Joy surrounding Us truly as One. Forever We are joined in Happiness in this moment. This, just this, Happiness!

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