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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
2/5/2019 3:49:03 PM
Heavenletter #6585 Oneness is the Height of Glory, February 5, 2019

God said:

Beloved, talk is a big part of life. There is even the expression: “It’s all talk.” That means to say that talk is cheap. Talk is not always backed by action. Sometimes I see that you may not even back yourself in action. It’s good to. Have the idea to follow through. You really don’t want your words to be like grapes that fall to the ground in disrepute. You want to believe in yourself, and you want others to believe in you.

Of course, I understand that life sometimes gets to be too much for you, and you want to put your head under the covers. I won’t tell you that I know the feeling, for I don’t. I do not always grasp how life may strike you.

How it is with Me, Beloved, is that I burst with joy every moment I embrace life. I don’t exactly do somersaults, yet that’s one way to describe how life is to Me.

You know those moments when you feel so One with the world? You are swimming, and you ARE the water. You are the joy. Love you are.

I do, however, keep offering more and more, yet as you become less blended with the joy I am, and at the same moment, hold less awareness of yourself, you are less focused on Me.

You are more bonded in joy, which is the same to say you have embraced more, much more of Me, which seems to be less focus on Me, less need to focus on your awareness of Me. It is like I am more easily part of you – hook, line, and sinker!

It’s more like: Well, it’s no novelty for you to be part of Me. You are getting more used to Me now. It’s a treat, yet you are more used to this treat. You love it, yet you are not dazzled. You are as you ever were. You don’t have to address yourself. I am not an add-on. I am familiar.

Like when the sun is out and you’re getting a tan, you don’t have to think over this again and again: “Wowee, I’m getting a tan!” It’s a perfectly natural tan. Because you are getting a tan, you are not racing to the moon!

We can perhaps say it’s more like racing to the moon, except you are always sitting on the moon, so where else can you be?

It’s a Self Adventure. You’re not asleep. You don’t have the need to sit up and pay attention either. It’s perhaps more like there is no out of sight, and there is no out of mind. We are of One Mind, yes, this is getting closer to what I mean. You see more from on high without even peeking.

Welcome, My Love. You are safe and sound in My heart, which is where, when all is said and done, you have been forever and a day. Well, why not you? Why anyone else and not you?

You are not passe. You are exactly where you have always been. For awhile there, it looks like you might have forgotten and stumbled out of My heart, yet to say that is, at the same time, absurd!

I laugh at that image. Yet what else is a God to do? Even a God has to have a good laugh once in a while. How can I stop laughing, Beloved?

What if you can’t stop? Be like Me, then, wouldn’t you like to? Worry-free. Not held to account. Just free and heart-happy.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
2/6/2019 5:49:39 PM
- Heavenletter #6586 Stay Simple from Now On, February 6, 2019

God said:

Beloved, We are in sync. Despite all your shenanigans, We are on the same page. We have the same heartbeat. And We love as One, One undeniable One. Who are We unless We are One? What are We doing here if We are less than One? We are not less than One. There is no less than One. I affirm Our Oneness. I am not Jiminy Cricket. I am Oneness, The One of One. Nor are you less than the One of One. Two do not exist.

We share the same heritage. Be innocent. There is no suspicion to add to this. Be innocent. It is meant to be easy to be innocent. C'mon, what do you think "Hallow-ed be thy name means?"

You are not a carbon copy. You are not a copy. You are at the forefront. You can always find Me. You don't have to hunt for Me. It's not exactly that I am as plain as the nose on your face. It's not like that at all. All I Am, you are. Do you get the gist, MySelf?

You can only imagine you need Me. I am inseparable from you, and as inseparable are you from Me. There is not so much as a seam between the One, no matter how you may put Oneness together. You are incapable of pulling us asunder. You can spot Oneness. You can say so in Truth. This is the Original Truth, hallow-ed be Thy Name. Surely, I do not speak in terms of ten fingers and ten toes - nothing like that at all. Oneness is not of less than heart and soul. This is Being I speak of, you as the Oneness I speak of.

You may wonder why I keep harping on this. Hey, this is a pure and simple gold-embossed invitation. When I, God, point something out to you, hear Me. I talk, yet I do not talk just to hear Myself talk. I give you the straight goods. You have ever been One with Me, no, not even two peas in a pod. We are Oneness, a Cut Above. Have I already said: "Signed, sealed, and delivered?" Self-signed, Self-sealed, and Personally-God-delivered. Oneness is Greatness. Oneness is Great.

You are not, by any means, less. Take Me literally. Get this through your head. You cannot be less than I AM. You can only be equal to Me. You are as I AM. You have far more than My potential. You are at the summit with Me.

Of course, there is no race to run. Plain and simple am I. Plain and simple are you. Oneness is. You may be sure I am not spinning a tale. I have no desire to hoodwink you.

I would be perfectly happy sitting in silence and loving you as I made you. Never would I go off on a tangent. I like you. You are My high point. I never come near Me saying: "Fancy meeting You Myself God here."

You were created in My Heart and My Soul. Everything I create is magnificent. Everything I create is the Culmination. Everything I created is Supreme. Only on Earth is there a culmination. A God Who makes music can only make music, and We can say I create not one whit less than music.

I create no less than the music of the spheres. I am not a false prophet, dearly Beloved. I make no errors - despite what you may think. There are no errors except as you decide on. There is an answer to everything beyond what you may see.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
2/7/2019 3:19:35 PM
Heavenletter #6587 Now You Know, February 7, 2019

God said:

Beloved, My Beloved, aligned are We as One. We are aligned.

How wonderful is this. You are defined, yet perhaps left by the wayside for as much as you can tell in the mistiness of life.

And yet We, Our Own Oneness, issues from the Infinite. We come from somewhere and not from nowhere.

Instead of calling forward-moving yet unnoticed inactivated thoughts and questions - also known as prayers - wow, they are answered! They come true before they are asked before the concept of prayer is assigned to them.

What is a prayer? It is not crying for something. It isn't begging. It is a song of a bird's singing: "Hi-ho, off We go."

This is Oneness. I said it long ago. I will say it again. Others like poets also speak of this loveliness, and many ways are there to speak of the same Tryst.

Here it is:

"The Seeker and the Sought are One."

"The Seeker and the Thought are the Same"

"Oneness is."

"That which you seek is ever Your Self."

"You have ever been seeking Your Self even as you are Your Self long before you own up to it."

This is knowledge that springs Eternal upon you. This knowledge is intimately yours. This knowledge never was not yours, yet there is a moment when it dawns on you to ask of life: "What's up, Doc?"

Where has God been all along, or Buddha, or Christ or any of the good names of God, the One, and the Only Oneness? I, you, may even be Known as the Unknown, or I might also be hinted at as possibly too good to exist and be held upright before you. What in God's Name are you actually after all but I and nothing but I?

You love a mystery. It all comes out now. You discover Me, and you recognize that I am also You, and as One, We, the One of One, shake hands on Truth for all times' sake. You and I are One and the Same. What a coincidence or, as many of My children like to say: "A co-inky-dink!"

And aren't We, I, also for the fun of it!? I, We, can count the stars first hand and weave a tapestry. Hallelujah!

This is greater than the discovery of the century. After all, what is a mere century? Nothing but the blink of an eye, nothing but, while still far greater yet than this.

And Who discovered Me but you Yourself, I, God, am proud to say.

The curtain went up on stage! Well, sure, you can hardly believe this truth all along. This knowledge snuck up on you. What a revelation! It is the true story. The truth is revealed. This is the day the truth is known and ever was. All is ever known and never unknown even as it is sought after.

Even as you get it, you are not done with this delicious turnaround, for it always comes back to you. How can this be? How on earth can this life be? In Heaven it can be, yet, on Earth, can it really? This isn't the Earth you always knew as a fact. Even as it is ascertained as a fact. Life is a mind-turner. You have been pulled onto the rack. Life is on the move, and you have been surmounted with lions of thought also on the move.

How peaceful can life be when you have been a stranger to Paradise and have been, so it seems, set aside and unrecognized by the world at large? God,You give Your All to the world when it is the world that is so uncertain.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
2/8/2019 7:37:29 PM
Heavenletter #6588 Make Room for Life as It Is, February 8, 2019

God said:

Beloved, today is a day for you to take into your heart. Why would there be any day you don't take into your good graces? What is desirous about any day that you plunge into despair when I desire you to rise? Remember that childhood refrain about minding your own business? Life isn't all your business. There are lines you are not to step over.

My desire for you is to encourage yourself to your own truth and everyone else to his own. I do not want you to settle for heartache alone. Nor, dear one, are you to decide to settle for less for anyone else either. Turn yourself around. Build up all. Bright skies from now on. Keep your eye on the Sun.

The world depends upon you. Encourage yourself, and encourage the world. Think. Be a blessing to the world and all in your life. Stay away from a vortex that sets you or anyone back.

Add to the world as you would like it to be. Thumbs up. Focus more love in the world. I didn't create you to be disheartened. Give Me a high sign as well, too. Be My ally. Give the world a hands-up. Enlighten yourself. Why on earth not? You are a good soul, good soul. I invest in you.

I will not have you sitting around sucking your thumb and twirling your hair. Now is time to wake up. Now is time to inspire. You are here to bless the world! Change your thinking.

You are not to be a bee in the world's bonnet. Love the whole wide world as it is. Go beyond where you have gone.

Life is to capture you and spread you to the good of the world. Stand high. Ready yourself. Wake up the world to its unfolding. Go ahead. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Fall on your knees for joy and not for woe. Happiness is to befall you right now as quick as a wink.

Arise. Desire more. Get ready for greater. Succor the world. After all, what is it supposed to mean that the world is your oyster?

Beloved, yes, settle for more. Nor are you to settle for less for anyone else as well. It's not alright. When you settle, odds are you are making excuses of one kind or another.

It may be truthful that everyone has hard streaks. Yes, there are those hard stretches that are not easy to accept. Then cast your eyes of love on those stretches. If your heart hurts because of an injury or that a loved one has flown off to Heaven, recognize once and for all that it is only a concept that love can be lost.

You may be thinking too much of ownership of love. Put more attention on giving and accepting love. Love isn't ownership. You are to set your loved ones free. Free them to themselves. Love more. You are not to rein in your loved ones.

You are to love and set everyone free. Restricting a loved one is a vicarious idea and not your right. Letting go expands your heart. Let your heart include life as it comes. You are a giver of life, not a naysayer.

Wish your loved ones well wherever life may take them. You were never designed to be the ruler of any other's life.

Wish everyone Godspeed on his or her journey. Love. Share. Life is a delicacy. Savor it. Are We on the same page now? Free life to whose ever life it belongs to. When someone wants more or less than you, let the Sun shine as it does. Hands off, Beloved. Freedom.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
2/9/2019 4:58:41 PM
Heavenletter #6589 Be the Light , February 9, 2019

God said:

Beloved, unto love, devote yourself. Even as you feel disappointed and heartsore, dedicate yourself to love. Remember love. When you are aware of anger - this awareness is a sham. This isn't a semblance of truth. You may be sincere, believing you are honest to the core, yet less than love is shallow. It feels real, yet it is a flare-up and not the truth of you. Hostility may be evident to you, yet hostility defies the truth. Hard-heartedness is a fallacy. Oh, My, how convinced you are that this is the base truth of your heart when it is not. Convinced and true are two different stories. You are a sharp salesman to yourself and to others. Tell yourself another story. Raise yourself in your own estimation, and raise yourself and raise everyone in your words to everyone.

"Once a joke, twice a fool."

You know the meaning of the word foolhardy. You've heard the word rash. You've heard the word nonsense.

The world has many words that signify mayhem.

You are not the only one who sets a trap for yourself.

Life is a passing thing. Don't be so quick to disparage life. Don't pass life by. Give credit to yourself and to Me. No longer dispute the Sun, the beautiful Golden Sun. Don't sully the God-given Sun. If you have anything to prove, it is light. Absolutely not is it lack of light in the world that is to pretend light away. Lack of light is a pretense.

Life on Earth is not intended to be folly.

You have heard that you have more than one life. If there are thousands of your lives, there isn't one life that you want to waste or ravage or any other's life that you want to step on.

It is true that the Sun goes down every night. The Sun has its curtain pulled down every night, and every morning the Sun rises hale and hardy. Pull up the blinds and score the Sun like a basketball in a net, basket after basket, every throw a win.

If, on an odd day, you seem unable to give yourself happiness, then be sure you give someone else some happiness that day. At the least, you don't have to keep yourself in the doldrums. What merit hold the doldrums for you? How do you serve anyone when you are cheerless?

Don't say you can't help it. You have to help it. You are here to help the land you live in and everyone who lives in it.

Help reward the world right and left. Help someone every day. Make a point of it. If you find yourself unable to smile for your Self, radiate a smile for someone else. To smile isn't meant to be arduous. A smile is meant to be ardor.

No way are you to stick yourself to a grindstone.

Pick a flower. Give a dog a bone. Once in a while, throw caution to the winds. Give life its due. Give your Self a lift.

Color your Self Beautiful. Hitch a star. Ride a wave. Hum a tune. Play a guitar. Bang a drum. Let Me speak for you. Set life down lightly. Stir the world to new heights. Put your bare feet on the grass. Shine your heart high. Spin gold. Dance your way to the Sun. Embody the Sun. Take your place in the Sun. Pull everyone else up - those who are called everyone else when they can only be the same as you. Give yourself a leg up. Climb that stairway to Heaven. Roll over lightly. Change. Forget about mistakes - yours and others. Shine the world. Clean mirrors. Spin your way to Heaven. Be awake. Be the Light of the World.

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