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Jim Allen

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Elizabeth Warren's Twitter Freakout Over Donald Trump "I'm going to fight !
5/6/2016 7:44:22 PM
This is so funny I had to post the entire piece. Elizabeth Warren the crazy lady of the democrat party is freaking out over Trump. She is simply the first, I cannot wait to see the rest of them go NUTZ!!!

What are your thoughts?

Elizabeth Warren's Twitter Freakout Over Donald Trump

"I'm going to fight my heart"

Moments after Donald Trump presumably clinched the GOP nomination Wednesday, senator Elizabeth Warren had an emotional freakout on social media, pumping out a total of 9 tweets vowing to defeat The Donald.

Running the usual gamut of leftist charges, calling Trump and his supporters of racist, sexist, bigoted, Islamophobes, the proud Native American Warren promises to save us all from the Trump train:

If Donald "Build that wall!" Trump has prompted such a furious outburst from Elizabeth "You didn't build that!" Warren, he must be doing something right.

The Freedom Center is a 501c3 non-profit organization. Therefore we do not endorse political candidates either in primary or general elections. However, as defenders of America’s social contract, we insist that the rules laid down by both parties at the outset of campaigns be respected, and that the results be decided by free elections. We will oppose any attempt to rig the system and deny voters of either party their constitutional right to elect candidates of their choice.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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