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Re: What happens in a person`s life ...
2/7/2007 7:25:27 PM
Greetings,In The name Of Our Lord! What happens in a person`s life at the moment he becomes Saved There are three exceedingly important actions taken by God, Which are neccessary before we can experience salvation. The first action performed by God is that He chooses the person.Ephesians 1:3-5; The second The chosen ones were given to Christ. John6:37 The Third is performed by God on behalf of those who were given to Christ as His eternal posession with a brand new resurrected soul through a Miracle of the New Birth. John3:5
Re: What happens in a person`s life ...
2/10/2007 9:03:33 PM

Jesus talks to the woman at the well---

John Ch 4: 13-14

Jesus answered, " Those who drink this water will get thirsty again, but those who drink the water that I will give them will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give them become in them a spring which will provide them with life-giving water and give them eternal life."

Thanks Nirmala for this opportunity to express my faith

Lissa Nixon

Carla Carey

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Re: What must I do to be Saved?
2/11/2007 8:17:33 AM
Dear Nirmala,
That is so true, we can do  nothing on our own and must trust Jesus to save us.
May God bless you and please forgive me for not getting to your forum more often!
Glad to make your acquaintance! Carla Carey
Re: What happens in a person`s life ...
2/19/2007 6:10:53 PM
Hello Lissa, Thank you for visiting my site and expressing your faith. I am glad we all have the opportunity to get the Living water. May you rejoice over the Living water God Bless You nimi
Re: What must I do to be Saved?
2/19/2007 6:57:44 PM
Hi Carla, Thank you for your presence here. As long as you,do His work,which you do,whereever it may be,that is all it matters.So please do not appologize. Thank you for inviting me for the Prayer meeting. especially for the opening prayer.I am afraid,most times are not good for me,since my time varies. I did mean to write a Prayer for your meeting,last weekend. But may be you can print it and use it for your next meeting. Almighty God, we praise you this evening with all of our beings,humbly bow before Thee. Thou art Lord God indeed. We acknowledge that there is no other God beside Thee. We Praise you Lord,Praise!Praise and Praise to the Lord God Almighty. We worship You Oh Lord!,For Thou art Holy,Holy,Holy! Heaven and earth are full of Thy Glory. Our Father in Heaven,we thank Thee for this great day,which you have enabled us to gather together and worship you,to meditate on your word,to reckon on the Power of the Lord and to Claim your Victory in our lives. To thank you for all the blessings in our lives,To intercess for the needy,and the unfortunate. Help us to cast all our burden upon Thee daily and to enjoy deep peace in doing it. Turn our thoughts and imaginations of our hearts purified, in the deepest meaning of the word. Help us to see the will of God in everything, and to receieve it,not with sighing but with singing. Empower us to take complete refuge in Thine Divine Power, to become strong throuh and through. Oh Holy Father,send Thy Spirit Divine, and Fall a Fresh on each person this evening. Forgive us our sins and cleanse us. We ask for Thy Presence and Your Power to make sin powerless over us. Give us patience and understanding to deal with each other. Make our hearts pure within. Keep us humble at Thy Feet, and to accept Thy Grace and accept it with all our mind body and soul. Open our eyes that we may see,and incline our ears,so that we may hear Your word. Open our hearts so that we may Love you. Use us as Thy vessel in this community,For Thy Works,to impact other peoples lives and most of all to Glorify Thy name. Help us to use this time to have as much as God as we will,To claim the key of treasure chamber of Christ into our hand; and bid us to take all that we want. You are infinite.You fill us with infinite treasure of Free Riches of God. "Commit Thy way unto the Lord. Trust also in Him and He Worketh" Faith adds it Amen to God`s Yea. "Have faith that whatever you ask for in prayer is already granted you,and you will find that it will be.(Mark 11:24 In Jesus Name WE Pray. Amen

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