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Felicia Harris

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* * * Very Important * * * 12 Daily Pro and Storm Pay Updates!
2/6/2006 1:01:04 AM
I now have all of my 12 Daily Pro sign ups in a distribution list, so I have sent them a couple of private updates and will continue to stay in touch with my referrals. If I'm not your referral in 12 Daily Pro be sure to stay up to date by checking for new 12 Daily Pro updates in the back office. There have been several updates in the last few days including a new one on Sunday. The following are a couple of important updates that were on another forum. I did not write these posts. They are pretty long, so here they are. Felicia * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Update 1: Hello Team I was on the forum on 12 Daily Pro last night ( Saturday ) and following a live conference call being held by some of the major Auto-surf owners . The conference call was being held by the owner of NME Mr. Mikula and Charis and Vince were on the call. They are in the process of deciding the best way to battle Stormpay and get their money and accounts Un-frozen. They are considering Legal options . Also , NME is getting a payment processor ready and wants to work with Alien Trust owner and Charis afcourse . It is unclear how they will partner up but the main things they discussed were the fact that the Auto-surf industry is completely legal and the various aspects of the industry. The bottom line comments from Charis were that she will be making every attempt to get people the refunds and perhaps was not going to be able to get the surfing earnings and commissions out to members and that she felt it is always better to under promise and over deliver. She said she wants to at least get the refunds to people if she can so we can all start on a clean slate. We don't want to read anything into this team other than the fact that these are at least Charis's stated intentions. It tells me she intends to not only return the membership fees if at all she is in a position to do so depending on events that unfold with stormpay , but also intends to stay very much in the industry and start something new and on a clean slate as she put it. Vince the Prince from Alien Trust said that they are going to try very hard to get everyone compensated but that it may take some time. I have no idea how to read into that . I know he may be working closely with Don Mikula of NME to start a new payment processor and work alongside him. The bigger companies and owners are getting partnered up as events unfold day by day and they are looking to work as allies and partners . That could be very good news for us and for the industry. I am suggesting that we all closely follow the events and that we be patient at this time. Emotions are running high everywhere and the consensus is that Stormpay has been and is the main culprit here and they are not going to get away with what they have started. This is literally WAR because it has affected the livelihood of hundreds of thousands of families. I am completely ready to move forward as the remedies and possible refunds fall into place and things become more clear. This is not the end. Its just the beginning . Warrior Steve {the mad Hungarian} ----------------------------------------------------------- Update 2: Good evening to all of my friends at Adlandpro. It is an honor to be among such dedicated and professional business owners! I only post a forum when I feel I have something important to say. This topic is important and I am here to ask you for your help. This forum has been set up for those who are members of 12DailyPro and/or the autosurf industry in general. What is being suggested to help 12DailyPro could also be applied to other legitimate autosurfs if those members so desired. I personally am an advocate of this profession and want to see it survive. Yes, there have been many scam artists to jump on the band wagon, but I do not feel it is fair to punish those legitimate business owners who have worked so hard to get this industry off the ground. I am here to make a plea to help these members recover the money they currently have in 12DailyPro and to present the facts as I know them to help people make an informed decision. By no means do I wish to convey that the information presented here is 100% accurate, but I have done my best to present supporting evidence for any statement I make. I feel it is sufficient to determine who is in the right and who is engaging in questionable practices at best and outright illegal practices at worst. In the end as always, you must make up your own mind. BECAUSE MY AIM IS TO HELP 12DAILYPRO MEMBERS WHO MAY BE IN TROUBLE, I would respectfully ask that unless you wish to contribute to this cause monetarily or by spreading the word, or add useful information regarding Stormpay or 12DailyPro, that you please refrain from posting negative comments. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I highly respect that. Please understand, I am not attempting to start a war here or taking sides in any way, shape or form. I will present the information as clearly as possible and offer my view of matters based on that information. At this very moment, there are thousands of people's money at stake and I hope we can focus on helping these people reclaim their hard earned money, while hopefully helping the 12DailyPro program survive the bitter set of circumstances they are facing. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. NOTE: If you can, please pass on this information to any other community/forum/message board you belong to. IT'S IMPORTANT TO GET THE WORD OUT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. WE DON'T HAVE MUCH TIME TO HELP 12DAILYPRO. While there is no guarantee that all members will be refunded, our support and contributions could just be the deciding factor in whether we do get our money back. It is my belief that some action is better than no action at all. THERE IS A LOT OF INFORMATION ON THIS POST, SO PLEASE BEAR WITH ME. THIS IS A COMPLEX MATTER AND I WANT TO CLEAR UP AS MUCH OF THE CONFUSION AS POSSIBLE. IF YOU CAN'T READ IT ALL AT ONCE, PLEASE READ THE NEXT SECTION TO SEE WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HELP AND THEN COME BACK AND FINISH EXAMINING THE EVIDENCE LATER. THANK YOU! It is my hope that after reading this post, those of you who are members of 12DailyPro and those of you who have friends/family/business associates that are members of 12DailyPro will come together to help save this incredible program and show your loyal support to its owner, Charis Johnson, who has single handedly changed the lives of thousands of people around the world for the better. One has only to read the thousands of posts in her forum to know that she has done the seemingly impossible -- keep 300,000 members consistently happy and pay them on time with integrity, never once missing a payment and never once being late in her payments to members. Since I am asking for your sincere support for 12DailyPro, I want to present as many verifiable facts as possible about the owner of this program. These facts, coupled with my own personal experience with the program and the sincere expressions of thousands of members in the 12DP forum should convince you beyond any doubt that the owner of this program has done nothing wrong and deserves our respect and our loyalty as she faces the most difficult circumstances a business owner could ever face. I will also present to the best of my knowledge and ability verifiable facts about Stormpay so that everyone can see clearly what a dishonest company this is and why we should immediately take action to force them to STOP illegally spending our (12DailyPro members) money on THEIR debts! This is the only way we have a chance at recovering the money we currently have in 12DailyPro. Otherwise, Charis will have to spend the money she would rather spend refunding US on legal expenses to fight Stormpay. So please do take the time to review this information, but my team and I urge you to take swift action in supporting 12DailyPro. Each minute that goes by means one more minute that your funds are disappearing and going into the hands of someone they do not belong to! For those of you who want to help out immediately and come back and read all the facts later, here is what you should do: 12DailyPro members are 100% committed to this program as you will see on the 12DP forum. Rather than complaining or wondering whether they will get their money back in light of the fact that Stormpay is currently holding their money hostage and illegally spending it to pay back their debts, 12DP members are taking a proactive stance. They are banding together and realizing that there is great strength in numbers! 12DailyPro now has over 320,000 members. If each member donated just $10 that would raise over $3.2 Million -- enough to legally fight Stormpay and recover our money AND hopefully enough to pay back all the members what they are owed!!! Together we can make this happen! (Just like the neighbors did for Jimmy Stewart in the movie 'It's A Wonderful Life'!) A couple of the 12DP Forum Moderators have donated as much as $3,000 each. You will see their screenshots on the forum thread referred to below. Why would the members be willing to donate their own money to see the program stay afloat? One reason: They trust 12DailyPro implicitly because Charis has consistently paid members for almost a year now (10 months to be exact), she has always communicated details of all situations that have arisen and she has literally changed the financial picture of thousands of people around the world in a very short period of time -- this program has done for people in a matter of months what most companies cannot do in 20 or 30 years. Simply put -- everyone LOVES Charis and 12DailyPro and with good reason. If you are one of those whose life has changed for the better because of 12DailyPro, will you now show your gratitude and loyalty and support Charis and all your family members in 12DP by generously donating to keep our money safe? We hope that you will rise to the occasion and show your support! Let's show everyone what Adlanders can do!! On 12DailyPro's forum you will see a thread called 'Help for Newbies' and a post in that thread titled 'Message from Charis - How to Make a Legal Donation.' It should be noted that many, many 12dailypro members offered, even begged, to donate money long before Charis put up this post. Charis has also had to at least temporarily let go of her staff and other than the forum moderators, is operating completely alone at this time so as to have more funds to use in repaying all members. This DOES NOT mean she is closing shop but that she is having to take these drastic measures until the Stormpay issue can be resolved. As of a few hours ago, over 200 members had already made donations. That number would probably be in the thousands except for the fact that most members do not have EMO accounts and are setting them up as we speak. Currently EMO is the only way we can donate to 12DP since their Stormpay account is completely frozen. EMO Verification can take as little as 15 minutes or 2 hours (and it may take longer depending on volume of requests received plus the fact that this is a weekend - so please be patient). If you don't have one already, open an account with EMO (go to since 12DP had to temporarily remove this link from their site). You will then need to VERIFY your EMO account to be able to fund it. Select Verification under Profile Management when you log in. I also highly recommend you set up the EMO Secure Card option by selecting Preferences on the Profile Management tab. Be sure to print the Secure Card and keep it in a safe place as you will need it when you log in. Once your EMO account has been verified you can use your credit card or bank account to fund your EMO account. I am in the process of having my EMO account verified and will donate just as soon as that happens. Thank you in advance for your generosity and support!! AND NOW FOR MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE WITH 12DAILYPRO AND THE INFORMATION YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR ON STORMPAY AND 12DAILYPRO... I have a primary business program that has paid me steady residual income for almost 10 years now. But about 4 months ago, I decided to expand my earning portfolio with what has become the premiere autosurf company on the internet today -- 12DailyPro. Please know that I do not use the word 'premiere' lightly. My team and I endeavor to do as much due dilligence as possible before becoming involved in a program and especially before promoting it to others. 12DailyPro was no exception. Hence, they have PROVEN themselves to be the premiere autosurf company by their consistent actions and by what my research has revealed about them. I can honestly say that in all my 35 years of marketing, no other program has paid me so quickly and consistently as 12DailyPro. I have only been involved with one other company in all those years that even comes close to demonstrating the loyalty, integrity and undying service that the owner of 12DailyPro has shown. I could only hope to stand as staunchly as she has in the face of extreme adversity and continue to fulfill her obligations to her members as best she can. Most anyone else would have surely folded long before now. I started with a $1,000 upgrade and in 3 months that grew to $6,000. I now earn $2,640 every 12 days or $5,280 every 5 weeks. This does not even count the thousands of dollars I have been earning monthly in referral commissions. So for me, the program has paid for itself 5 times over and has truly exceeded my wildest expectations. But as good as the program is and as impeccable as the management is, the integrity of the payment processors these programs rely on is critical to such a program's survival. Many of you have probably been caught up in the quagmire of rumors circulating about Stormpay and 12DailyPro. I would like to present to you some information I have spent days uncovering (much of which can be verified) that will help you come to a more educated conclusion about this terrible situation. Please keep in mind that until these facts came to light recently, I, too, put a fair amount of trust in Stormpay. However, the conclusion I came to after reviewing all of this information is that Stormpay is telling the public outright lies to protect the truth about their situation which is: 1) Stormpay was not always a payment processor. They began as a matrix company. Here is a link I found with some background on Stormpay's beginnings: And here is the Order to Cease and Desist from the State of Tennessee. This really says it all. It's amazing that Steven Girsky, the CEO of Stormpay, who is an attorney would not be familiar with state law.Wink In case you're interested here's his picture and background: 2) Even though Stormpay was ordered to stop running any ponzi schemes, they allowed hundreds of HYIP's (many of them ponzi schemes) to use their processing services. The ones that weren't ponzi's were hacked due to using code that was easily compromised by hackers. As a result, it is believed that they recently got hundreds of chargebacks due to all the ponzi schemes operating with Stormpay accounts --ironically at the same time 12DailyPro requested a large withdrawal from Stormpay into their bank account. While Stormpay allows credit card funding, they did not add a stipulation that no chargebacks would be allowed -- thus they were apparently hit hard by this huge rash of chargebacks. (EMO expressly states on their site that chargebacks are not allowed). I have also read that reportedly, many of Stormpay's banks are in the process of closing their accounts (this is not verified so I cannot state that as absolute fact). Here is how events went down this week: 12DailyPro requests a large lump sum deposit from Stormpay so they can fund their newly created EMO account -- 10,000 12DP members migrated to EMO almost overnight. First, Stormpay tells 12DP they cannot get a direct deposit of these funds -they must request a wire transfer. Then CEO John McConnell told 12DP on Monday that he wanted to fly down to show why Stormpay should be their only payment option. But the next day he demanded that they remove all other payment processers in the next 45 minutes or else. 12DP complied and two days later they awoke to find their Stormpay account suspended and completely frozen. Thus they cannot pay their members nor allow new upgrades! Using logic, I concluded that the only reason a payment processor would deny a request to withdraw your own funds would be if they did not have the necessary funds in their account to pay you! In fact, Charis informed us that in a phone conversation earlier this week, Mr. McConnell told her that not all members' funds are backed by 'real money.' Incredulous as this sounds, it's like saying 'We know you put real cash in here, but now not all of that cash is there. We're not telling you where it went but it's not all there so don't be surprised if you can't get it all out.' 3) Stormpay has a poor record with the Better Business Bureau. In case you haven't seen it, here's their latest report: 4) Stormpay lied about NETIBA saying it was 'third party verification.' Here is proof that Stormpay and NETIBA are run by the same person: Here's the listing for Stormpay: And here's the one for NETIBA: Note that both companies are in the same zip code. In addition, one site revealed that Stormpay collected upwards of $5 Million in NETIBA verification fees - virtually overnight. This was clearly a ploy to make a lot more money under the guise that they are providing security measures. If you've been following discussions on the internet, you know that very few people put faith in this process, especially since phone numbers are not always verified and addresses have been proven to be false. 5) Stormpay has lied to the public about its current state of affairs, releasing 'propaganda-like' statements which accuse 12DailyPro and autosurfs in general of being 'ponzi schemes' and inferring that some type of federal investigation was underway. When in fact, there was no investigation. The truth is Stormpay's bank(s) instructed them to freeze certain accounts. One site states that Stormpay probably tried to move a lot of money at once which raised a flag, while at the same time there was a major influx of chargebacks. This results in a freezing of those funds. This is reportedly standard operating procedure for all merchant companies. It should also be stated that Charis and many other autosurf owners have posted on their sites that contrary to Stormpay's statements, at NO TIME did Stormpay EVER approach them and ask for documents or an explanation of their business model. These companies openly disclosed that information when they first started doing business with 12DailyPro. It is just impossible for me to believe that ALL OF A SUDDEN Stormpay has concerns about the validity of these sites at the very moment their biggest client requests a large withdrawal. This is clearly an issue of not having sufficient funds to give 12DailyPro the sum they requested. All of the lies they have put out to the public has to be nothing more than a stall tactic to keep the truth from coming out. And finally, 12DailyPro has been misrepresented in the media lately. We saw a video of a news segment in Utah that paints an unfair picture of 12DailyPro. Some students at this Utah university were misrepresenting 12DP as an 'investment opportunity' in violation of 12DP's clearly stated terms of service. Then their professor threatens to expel them for promoting a money scheme. The report wrongly states that Charis Johnson, the owner of 12DailyPro, runs her business out of an apartment in a bad neighborhood. That is not true. Charis herself reported on our forum today that she has a leased office space in a very nice section of town and that her apartment is also in a nice area. However, the report did end by saying that no matter how skeptical the professors might be, the reality is that out of 320,000+ members there has not been ONE complaint filed against Charis or 12DailyPro. Compare that to the number of complaints formally filed against Stormpay and the countless complaints that circulate via the internet. I think the record speaks for itself. So, in light of all the aforementioned evidence, I think you can see why I am standing behind Charis and 12DailyPro. Let me close by presenting a few facts about this incredible lady and why you should consider lending her your support in this difficult time. 1) 12DailyPro was thorougly investigated and verified by the OIC (Online Investment Cooperative). Here is the result of their investigation which passed with flying colors. Be sure to read the Admin's insight after personally interviewing Ms. Johnson by telephone: If you'd like to know more about the OIC and their mission go here: 2) The owner of 12DailyPro had a solid career before starting 12DailyPro in Television, Marketing and Advertising. Learn more here: 3) For the past 10 months, 12DailyPro has consistently and timely paid their members who are now more than 320,000. They have never once been late and have not had ONE complaint launched against them. I realize I'm repeating this but I feel it bears repeating.Smiley 4) The owner of 12DailyPro has consistently communicated with its membership, sometimes daily and sometimes even hourly. This level of communication is rare in the business world and ESPECIALLY in the online business world where owners find it easy to hide behind a computer screen. Charis has never kept anything hidden from us. She has been very detailed in her communications. 5) 12DailyPro has taken many steps to strengthen and improve the autosurf industry by personally forming relationships with and investing in other reputable autosurf companies. She has also helped organized the first ever GPT convention so as to mastermind and brainstorm with others in this industry. Certainly, that is not a sign of a business owner trying to hide in anonymity. 6) 12DailyPro has provided advertising services for all its members, even expanding into a second website that focuses exclusively on advertising. They were days away from introducing a 3rd site in their suite of services. All of this shows that from the beginning they have had plans to be a strong, stable company with an ever expanding portfolio of services to offer. 7) 12DailyPro has generously contributed to charities. This past holiday season, the company contributed $21,500 to the Red Cross. See the screenshot here: Perhaps someone may disagree, but I don't know of too many scam artists that willingly and publicly donate to charities! 8) 12DailyPro has calmly and professionally worked through seemingly insurmountable obstacles. First they were under DDOS attacks (which meant someone was flooding their website with traffic in an effort to shut down the site). They have also been impersonated on the web. Then they discovered a whole slew of cheaters among their members (primarily in Singapore). This was followed by the problems with e-gold in which 12DP was unable to pay their members for several days and was forced to switch to EMO. And finally, we top that off with the Stormpay fiasco in which a large amount of their money is frozen and inaccessible. Not to mention, the misrepresentation by the Utah students and a few other members who smeared 12DailyPro's good name with false advertising. Through all of this, Charis has not one time complained, she has not panicked, she has not closed up shop -- she has always handled each crisis with the utmost dignity and worked immediately towards a solution. This is leadership at its finest! I wonder how many of us would have lasted so long in the face of this type of persecution... I could say so much more about 12DailyPro but I will end with one final reason why I feel you should support this company: 9) The members of 12DailyPro, even in the direst of circumtances, are supporting the owner of 12DailyPro and rallying around her. They are willingly and voluntarily contributing their own funds to help fight this battle against Stormpay and so all the members can hopefully recover the money they have in 12DailyPro. Surely, this would not be the case unless these members have complete confidence and trust in the woman running this program. I hope that this information and my research has been helpful. Thank you for your patience in wading through this thread. My #1 concern is to bring as much of the truth to light as possible and to defend what I believe to be a company with integrity and loyalty to its members. I am not so concerned with WHO is right, but what is right. In this case, I think it is obvious that 12DailyPro has done nothing wrong and in fact has gone above and beyond the call of duty. Therefore, since 12DailyPro has been such a blessing in so many of our lives, I think the right thing for us to do is to support Charis who was worked tirelessly in the face of so many obstacles! I applaud those of you who bravely step up to help their fellow 12DailyPro members, the owner of this wonderful program and last but not least, yourselves! The action we take at this very moment could be the one that gets us out of this mess. Thank you all for your time and consideration. I know how precious it is. I am a realist but I am also an optimist. Even if we rise out of the ashes, we shall rise again like the mighty Phoenix. The power is in the people. Let's put that power to work! Kind regards, ----------------------------------------------------------- Update 3: Stormpay: CALL FOR ACTION ! A forum is set up at Please read the CALL FOR ACTION and feel free to copy it and forward it to your friends or to your lists. But please keep my identity confidential (thanks). Just copy it as is, with the given signature. Feel free to post any related info or comments on this forum and to send your friends there. If you are in a program that still accepts Stormpay, tell them to read the messages on this board in order to understand that they may be the next victims if they don't remove Stormpay from their payment options ASAP, before Stormpay asks them to remove all the others and then freezes their accounts.. These crooks and ABC spies must be put out of business! We already have more spies and "regulators" around here that we can handle, we don't need additional "task forces" to tell us what to do, to kill our paying programs and to steal our money.. Go to . and ACT, please. Thanks. ________________________________________ Stormpay still refuse to respond to our emails and we have to assume they are doing the same to us as they are doing to other auto surfs and attempting to steal our cash as you know they closed out account without reason, we have alot of earnings in commisions from promoting their site, we have alot of earning from their netiba operation, we also have thousands in unrelated earnings from other not related websites not to mentions several thousand dollars in stormpay auction sales, We are now preparing legal proceedings against stormpay and we recommed you as a user do the same infomation on how to do tis can be found at I see in some forums some misinformed users are calling us a scam these misinformed users have fallen into the trap that stormpay wanted them to know they are making misleading reasons why they not been paid and claiming to be the innocent party stormpay is obviosly a scam as is their so called 3rd party partner which is theirs netiba Netiba is no more 3rd party than i am the queen of ......... or the man on the moon. Their motto should be:" Use we will steal you cash" as this is what they have done to all our members not to mention all the other site they have done it to as well obviously they are planning on keeping YOUR MONEY and you should take action against stormpay in court. P.S if you file complaints for a refund in stormpay not only is this not helping anyone as its giving stormpay what they want but we have no way to respond to these our account is closed we are unable to login we dont even get notifications from stormpay regarding anything is worth a visit. Regards Admin ----------------------------------------------------------- (end of updates) As I said at the beginning, I didn't write any of these posts, but I thought you should have the information.

I've enjoyed making money working from home for over 8 years. I have a real passion to show others how to do the same.

All members share in a revenue profit pool that is paid out several times a day! You don't have to sponsor to participate and earn. Get paid very well just for advertising your business. No daily sub commitment. Start with as little as a one time $2 ad. This site has a write up that explains what makes this income stream so unique. ~ ~

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This income cash strategy paid me $500 the first week that I tried it. Since then it has paid me over and over again. Now it come with a free Marketing System. You can also access marketing resources and training to help you to build any business. You can be paid in 48 hours.~ ~ ~

Jill Bachman

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Re: * * * Very Important * * * 12 Daily Pro and Storm Pay Updates!
2/6/2006 1:47:17 AM
Hi Felicia, You have been a busy beaver here, and really done a great job. I truly cannot believe this whole fiasco. It is like a chapter out of a science fiction book :-( I just have one comment if you know the person behind Stormpay: CALL FOR ACTION ! A forum is set up at There is a whole series of letter copied onto that forum from Charis, which should not be there. She, as well as of Admins, have stated emphatically that none of this information is to be shared with other than 12dp members, and likewise for the Admins of other companies. They all say it will do more damage to them. You might want to pass that along if you have a contact person :-) I continue to says prayers, think postive, and expect miracles! God bless, Jill
Felicia Harris

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Re: * * * Very Important * * * 12 Daily Pro and Storm Pay Updates!
2/6/2006 2:08:27 AM
Hi there Jill! I have no idea about contact people to pass things onto as far as the letters. Maybe someone else can look into that, I can only do so much. You can make a post in the 12 Daily Forum for the moderator, to notify them of the situation. I have never put 12 Daily Pro updates in my forums because I know the members can log in and read them for themselves. Hey thanks so much for your post!

I've enjoyed making money working from home for over 8 years. I have a real passion to show others how to do the same.

All members share in a revenue profit pool that is paid out several times a day! You don't have to sponsor to participate and earn. Get paid very well just for advertising your business. No daily sub commitment. Start with as little as a one time $2 ad. This site has a write up that explains what makes this income stream so unique. ~ ~

~ Register for free today. ===>>>

This income cash strategy paid me $500 the first week that I tried it. Since then it has paid me over and over again. Now it come with a free Marketing System. You can also access marketing resources and training to help you to build any business. You can be paid in 48 hours.~ ~ ~

Re: * * * Very Important * * * 12 Daily Pro and Storm Pay Updates!
2/6/2006 3:10:20 AM
well here is the problem I am having. Alpha changed to e-gold. I have an account, but no clue as to how to use the thing. 12dp changed to EMO they can not get verification links correct. I wish people would just use Paypal, or something like it. I will never trust stormpay again. Like you guys, I think we been robbed, but not by our surfing companies, now I am in full beliefs we were robbed by storm pay, and IBA. I just regiestered with IBA 3 days ago, and now their website was gone tonight when I tried to log on. Coming and going stormpay has committed highway robbery. If anyone has a clue as to how to use these other accounts please let me know. I am in the dark about stuff like that.
Felicia Harris

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Re: * * * Very Important * * * 12 Daily Pro and Storm Pay Updates!
2/6/2006 9:27:10 AM
Hi Cecil! Several people have said they use EMO with Egold, so I think you can use EMO to help you fund Egold and make withdrawals. Talk with your Alpha people for some suggestions with using Egold and for EMO you can contact EMO support. Well for years programs have had problems with PayPal freezing accounts, which is too bad because I like PayPal too! Thanks for posting.

I've enjoyed making money working from home for over 8 years. I have a real passion to show others how to do the same.

All members share in a revenue profit pool that is paid out several times a day! You don't have to sponsor to participate and earn. Get paid very well just for advertising your business. No daily sub commitment. Start with as little as a one time $2 ad. This site has a write up that explains what makes this income stream so unique. ~ ~

~ Register for free today. ===>>>

This income cash strategy paid me $500 the first week that I tried it. Since then it has paid me over and over again. Now it come with a free Marketing System. You can also access marketing resources and training to help you to build any business. You can be paid in 48 hours.~ ~ ~


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