
Devasish Gupta

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Use Right Brain Training Methodologies by 5 Top Neuroscientists to Achieve Your
11/6/2015 4:06:59 PM
Use Right Brain Training Methodologies by 5 Top Neuroscientists to Achieve Your Financial Goals...

Do you ever feel like there's an invisible barrier preventing you from reaching your lifestyle goals?

Well, the world's top neuroscientists and brain experts say ... you're right!

You see, your brain is split into two parts:

Your rational logical mind and your implicit emotional brain... and the emotional brain is the larger and far more powerful of the two!

If your emotional desires, beliefs and values don't align with your rational mind's goals ... the two parts of your mind will constantly be fighting each other and undermining your ability to succeed at anything, especially your lifestyle goals.

Scientists now know that you will NEVER outperform your own internal hidden limiting self-image. Your current results are nothing more than old neural patterns, beliefs, perceptions and habits that you've accumulated over your life that drives all your thoughts and actions.

Start Earning What You Deserve by Using Latest Cutting Edge Brain Tools and Technologies... Winning the Game of Money![LIVE Brain-A-Thon Event]

But brain scan studies have PROVEN something really exciting...

You can re-wire and re train the key areas in your brain that control your conscious thoughts AND subconscious feelings and emotions that influence every decision and action you take.

This requires applying the right brain-training methodologies and technologies in the right way... so you can replace limiting beliefs, behaviors, and habits that are currently keeping you stuck.

And that's precisely what 5 of the top neuroscientists and brain experts are teaming up to help you do during a historic virtual event...

Join John Assaraf, who you may recognize from the hit movie The Secret, and 4 of the world's top neuroscientists and brain experts who are gathering to teach you how to apply the right brain training methodologies and technologies in the right way... so you can replace limiting beliefs, behaviors, and habits that are currently keeping you stuck.

They'll teach you how to get your brain in coherence with your lifestyle goals...and keep you there!

No more yoyo-ing around and starting and stopping your success.

Reserve your place for this incredible free live video web cast:

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